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Suzanne TimmerhansSuzanne Timmerhans 

apex command button failing

apex:command button value = "Complete Regisration" keeps returning an Error page - Authorization Required You must first log in ...  What can be the issue?
Suraj TripathiSuraj Tripathi
Hi Suzanne,

You are working on site, not in Visualforce pages, that's why you are getting this error.
You have to give access to the controller class in Public Access Setting and Field Access too.

Suzanne TimmerhansSuzanne Timmerhans
Thanks for picking up on this issue.  This command button was intiatied by the person that originally set up our Salesforce about 4 years ago and has been working up until now.  The button shows on our website which is supported by Joomla! and finalizes a registration process that outside users complete - no log in is required to access the registration.  I cannot find which object contains this button and the attached action !Check4Bulk is part of the registration process all of which is controlled through a VF page with an extension. 
How do I get to the controller class to set up access?  And to, what - the command button?
Suzanne TimmerhansSuzanne Timmerhans
Found the culprit – a new field that had been marked Required but had not yet been deployed in the registration process. Once I made it non-required the Complete Registration process began to work again. Thanks for the input.
Suraj TripathiSuraj Tripathi
Hi Suzanne,

It's good to know that your problem is solved. If my Suggestion helps you Kindly mark this as solved ,so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue which results in helping others who are encountering a similar issue.
