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Pasan Eeriyagama
Inline Visualforce page is displayed as a link, any idea why? and how to remove the link behavior?
We have below simple example visualforce page (to be used as inline VF page for Opportunity).
This page is added to Opportunity page layout for Partner Community User.
When we view as partner community user, it appears as a link as below.
Because of this, it seems contents inline pages are not accessible. Also when we click on this page, it goes to 'Invalid page' community page which is not intended at all.
Any idea how we can remove this link behavior? Appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" > This page doesn't have any content. </apex:page>
This page is added to Opportunity page layout for Partner Community User.
When we view as partner community user, it appears as a link as below.
Because of this, it seems contents inline pages are not accessible. Also when we click on this page, it goes to 'Invalid page' community page which is not intended at all.
Any idea how we can remove this link behavior? Appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
Verify if the partner community user profile has access to the visualforce page that is in question here.
Followed it's workaround,
added below CSS to Community branding custom CSS.
.oneAlohaPage .mask {
display: none;
and that fixed the issue.