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Bareera Noor
Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Step 2: Automate Accounts
I am working on the Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Step 2
I am working the following error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please check the configuration of the custom fields on the Account object. The formulas, rollup summaries, etc. did not produce the expected outcome.
Challenge Requirements:
Create validation rules and account formula fields as specified in the business requirements. Use the following field names.
For this metric or fieldUse this Field Name
Number of dealsNumber_of_deals__c
Number of won dealsNumber_of_won_deals__c
Last won deal dateLast_won_deal_date__c
Deal win percentDeal_win_percent__c
Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c
Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c
I have configure Call for Service , Deal win percent, Ammount of Won Deals as formula fields.
Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c
Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c Seems to be working fine but I am not sure about the Deal win percent formula.
Please anyone can help me with this.
I am working the following error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please check the configuration of the custom fields on the Account object. The formulas, rollup summaries, etc. did not produce the expected outcome.
Challenge Requirements:
Create validation rules and account formula fields as specified in the business requirements. Use the following field names.
For this metric or fieldUse this Field Name
Number of dealsNumber_of_deals__c
Number of won dealsNumber_of_won_deals__c
Last won deal dateLast_won_deal_date__c
Deal win percentDeal_win_percent__c
Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c
Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c
I have configure Call for Service , Deal win percent, Ammount of Won Deals as formula fields.
Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c
Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c Seems to be working fine but I am not sure about the Deal win percent formula.
Please anyone can help me with this.
I configure Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c and Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c as a Formula fields.
This is my formula for Amount of Won Deals : + Number_of_won_deals__c ( show the total amount of deal won)
and for the Call For Service : Last_won_deal_date__c < DATE(2015,12,1) (It has to check wether the if the last time the deal won was more than 2 years ago "Call for Service" should say yes)
I am not sure how to configure Deal win Percentage. Can you help me with this please and I am also confuses with Roll up Summary in Error message. Do they suppose to be Roll up summary fields?
when i use this formula for Call for service Iam geeting following error
Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Incorrect parameter type for operator '>'. Expected Date, received Number (Related field: Formula)
can anyone help with this?
Hello All if you have any query about this challenge so please watch this video this is very helpful