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Bareera NoorBareera Noor 

Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Step 2: Automate Accounts

I am working on the Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Step 2
I am working the following error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Please check the configuration of the custom fields on the Account object. The formulas, rollup summaries, etc. did not produce the expected outcome.
Challenge Requirements:

Create validation rules and account formula fields as specified in the business requirements. Use the following field names.
For this metric or fieldUse this Field Name
Number of dealsNumber_of_deals__c
Number of won dealsNumber_of_won_deals__c
Last won deal dateLast_won_deal_date__c
Deal win percentDeal_win_percent__c
Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c
Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c

I have configure Call for Service , Deal win percent, Ammount of Won Deals as formula fields.  
Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c
Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c Seems to be working fine but I am not sure about the Deal win percent formula.
Please anyone can help me with this.
Jason HardyJason Hardy
Yeah I don't like the vaguness of the error for this one. For deal win percentages, use two of your roll up summaries and divide. My issue was with the way I was calculating the deals call for service. I would focus in on how your calculating the two years. 
Bareera NoorBareera Noor
Hello Jason,
I configure  Amount of won dealsAmount_of_Won_Deals__c and Call for ServiceCall_for_Service__c as a Formula fields.
This is my formula for Amount of Won Deals :   +  Number_of_won_deals__c ( show the total amount of deal won)
and for the Call For Service :  Last_won_deal_date__c  <   DATE(2015,12,1) (It has to check wether the if the last time the deal won was more than 2 years ago "Call for Service" should say yes)
I am not sure how to configure Deal win Percentage. Can you help me with this please and I am also confuses with Roll up Summary in Error message. Do they suppose to be Roll up summary fields?
Jason HardyJason Hardy
Your last won deal date is the issue. It has to be dynamic date (meaning using today() as a part of the measure), not static. You should be treating this like you would a real project, and in a real project you wouldn't statically code one date in time and have that be your measure for every day after. They are purposely making it vague so you're not sure where the issue is. You have to validate that all items are meeting the business requirements. 
Bareera NoorBareera Noor
I configure Last_won_deal_date__c as a Date field. I tested Call for Service in my Org it was working according to business requirements. It would mark yes automatically if the Last_won_deal_date__c was before 2015,12,1. I am having the issue with Deal win Percentage. 
Radha LingutlaRadha Lingutla
IF(OR(TODAY() - 730 > Last_Won_Deal_Date__c,TODAY() + 730 < Last_Won_Deal_Date__c) ,'Yes','No')
when i use this formula for Call for service Iam geeting following error

Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Incorrect parameter type for operator '>'. Expected Date, received Number (Related field: Formula)

can anyone help with this?
MPB SalesforceMPB Salesforce

Hello All if you have any query about this challenge so please watch this video this is very helpful