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Keith Snider2Keith Snider2 

custom report links


I know for custom report links you can insert a parameter for a Contact Id from the Contact page, but can you do something similar if the report does not relate to the Contact? For instance, I have a report of Opportunities, which has a lookup to Contact. I want to use this report, but insert a parameter for the Contact Id. I have a custom field on Opportunity to get the Contact Id, but the paramter ain't working, which makes sense because there's only the custom field I have on opportunity and NOT the actual Contact.Id. Anybody know of any solutions?

Best Answer chosen by Keith Snider2
Aparna Hegde 1Aparna Hegde 1
Hi Keith,
Is contactId custom field on opportunity a look up field? If yes then follow approach a -
-Edit your custom report type by going to setup -->report types
-go to Fields Available for Reports section and edit layout
-you can choose which object you want the fields from 
-You can choose contact and select Id.
Hope this helps! Good luck.

All Answers

Aparna Hegde 1Aparna Hegde 1
Hi Keith,
Is contactId custom field on opportunity a look up field? If yes then follow approach a -
-Edit your custom report type by going to setup -->report types
-go to Fields Available for Reports section and edit layout
-you can choose which object you want the fields from 
-You can choose contact and select Id.
Hope this helps! Good luck.
This was selected as the best answer
Keith Snider2Keith Snider2
Yeah I totally missed that. I didn't have it as a custom report type, so I was able to create and add the contact Id. I also realized I had edited the report filters so was totally trying to set the wrong parameter to the contact Id, adding to the disconnect... -_-

I'm all set, thank you!