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Bareera NoorBareera Noor 

Security Specialist Superbadge Challenge 4

 I am working on Security Specialist Superbadge Challenge 4. One of the requirement is 
Field-Level Security—Customer SSN and Bank Account fields on contact records must be encrypted. Any change in the Amount field on opportunity records must be recorded. I cant find Customer SSN and Bank Account fields on Contact Object.
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Bareera,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I suggest you please check with below link which might help you with the above requirement. Also, use below hints:

1) To track a field - start with the object manager.
2) If a field does not exist, you can not encrypt or track field history.  I did not create any new fields.

Please let us know if this helps.

Katie KourtakisKatie Kourtakis
Hello Bareera,

I had the same problem as you. I was unable to find any Customer SSN or Bank Account field on the Contact object. After setting up field tracking on the Opportunity object I checked the challenge and passed.
forza forzaforza forza
 I am working on Security Specialist Superbadge Challenge 4. On the requirement: Any change in the Amount field on opportunity records must be recorded.i have checked the Amount field in feed tracking but i'm still receiving the massage(Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Opportunity Amount field does not appear to be tracking field value changes.). i unchecked and rechecked the Amount field but i still stuck there. Any help will be kind.

forza forzaforza forza
Thanks very much Nagendra it worked
forza forzaforza forza
big thanks also to Katie Kourtakis
Shikha ChaurasiaShikha Chaurasia
Thanks, Katie Kourtakis,
it's work for me.
 I had the same problem. I was unable to find any Customer SSN or Bank Account field on the Contact object. After setting up field tracking on the Opportunity object I checked the challenge and passed.
Shruty KhandelwalShruty Khandelwal
 I am working on Security Specialist Superbadge Challenge 4. One of the requirement is 
"Field-Level Security—Customer SSN and Bank Account fields on contact records must be encrypted. Any change in the Amount field on opportunity records must be recorded"
I cant find Customer SSN and Bank Account fields on Contact Object?
Also, I am getting this error:
"The Opportunity Amount field does not appear to be tracking field value changes"
Shruty KhandelwalShruty Khandelwal
 I am working on Security Specialist Superbadge Challenge 4. One of the requirement is 
"Field-Level Security—Customer SSN and Bank Account fields on contact records must be encrypted. Any change in the Amount field on opportunity records must be recorded"
I cant find Customer SSN and Bank Account fields on Contact Object?
Also, I am getting this error:
"The Opportunity Amount field does not appear to be tracking field value changes"
Gustavo A. SelujaGustavo A. Seluja
@Shruty Khandelwal

Customer SSN and Bank Account fields do not exist, and the project does not say "if not found, build new custom fields".  In other words, forget about this part.  As to recording changes to the Amount field of opportunies, this is how it's done:

User-added image

User-added image
Shruty KhandelwalShruty Khandelwal
Thanks Gustavo!
Kalp D Dalal DalalKalp D Dalal Dalal
Thanks! iT HELPED
Shraddha KhandelwalShraddha Khandelwal
Thanks Gustavo!
Samantha Cordero 312Samantha Cordero 312
Hi, I had the same problem and did the steps that Gustavo said but the trailhead still shows the same message. The tracking is indeed working because i tried an example and the changes do appear in the stage history.

Is there something else to do?

Gustavo A. SelujaGustavo A. Seluja
@Samantha Cordero 312

Samantha: did you try logging out of both Trailhead and the playgound, clear the browser history, close down the browser?  It's worth a try.
Samantha Cordero 312Samantha Cordero 312
Hi, i solved the problem. I was checking the wrong playground! Thanks anyway!
Gustavo A. SelujaGustavo A. Seluja
@Samantha Cordero 312

Well, there you go.  Funny how these things work, right? 😎.  Glad to hear.
MPB SalesforceMPB Salesforce
Hello every One if you have any query regarding this challenge so please try once this link also I hope you will get definitely solution regarding your issue
Terry WilliamsTerry Williams
Hey Nagendra, like your just providing the hint approach ;)