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Josip KrajnovićJosip Krajnović 

Build and Administer Analytics - Analytics App Template Development - Make Your Template Smarter by Adding a Wizard

Just did the quiz for the 4th Unit in the Analytics App Template Development.
There seems to be an error in the second question, as the correct answer turned out to be the rules.json, but the correct answer is actually the Ui.json, see screenshots below.

correct answer

error in the quiz
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

I would suggest you sent it as feedback from the feedback button on the same challenge page or to so that the trailhead team will get notified which will help them to enchance the trailhead.

Best Regards,
Javier Cervantes 5Javier Cervantes 5
I second this. Someone should look into the quiz so people don't feel like they're going crazy.
Josip KrajnovićJosip Krajnović
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