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sreenivas c 2
Salesforce Summary formula report
I have created a custom number field in case object . It is called Overall Minutes When I run a report, I get the sum of all the minutes at the bottom. I would like it to be displayed as hours and minutes. i have tried the below formula but i'm facing issue .
ROUND(Case.OverAll_Minutes__c:SUM)/60 & "Hour(s)"
Error: Invalid custom summary formula definition: Incorrect parameter type for operator '&'. Expected Text, received Number
Kindly give me suggestion for the above requirement
ROUND(Case.OverAll_Minutes__c:SUM)/60 & "Hour(s)"
Error: Invalid custom summary formula definition: Incorrect parameter type for operator '&'. Expected Text, received Number
Kindly give me suggestion for the above requirement
Can anyone help me on this how to show in summarize report like days:hours:mintues . Currently i have over all mintues i should convert to days,hours ..
Ex: 5 days,24 hours,20 mins