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What does this mean? Unhandled Trigger exception by user/organization

How do I solve this? 

Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 005C0000008pPXs/00D80000000L8DR
RHX_Opportunity: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.SObjectException: Field Opps_Received_20163__c is not editable
Class.rh2.PS_Rollup_Context.setParentsToUpdate: line 571, column 1 line 510, column 1
Class.rh2.PS_Rollup_Helper.performSync: line 545, column 1
Class.rh2.ParentUtil.performTriggerRollups: line 128, column 1
Trigger.RHX_Opportunity: line 7, column 1
Hi Leluttrell,

Opps_Received_20163__c  may be foremula field and your code might be trying to update this field. have a look at the references given in the error and make change in your code so as to not edit this field.

Please mark as best answer if helped.

Glyn Anderson 3Glyn Anderson 3
If Opps_Received_20163__c is not a formula, as Ramakant posits, it might be that the user, 005C0000008pPXs, does not have Field Level Security permissions to edit the field.  You can navigate to the user record, determine their profile and check the FLS for the field on that profile.