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What does this mean? Unhandled Trigger exception by user/organization
How do I solve this?
Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 005C0000008pPXs/00D80000000L8DR
RHX_Opportunity: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.SObjectException: Field Opps_Received_20163__c is not editable
Class.rh2.PS_Rollup_Context.setParentsToUpdate: line 571, column 1 line 510, column 1
Class.rh2.PS_Rollup_Helper.performSync: line 545, column 1
Class.rh2.ParentUtil.performTriggerRollups: line 128, column 1
Trigger.RHX_Opportunity: line 7, column 1
Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 005C0000008pPXs/00D80000000L8DR
RHX_Opportunity: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.SObjectException: Field Opps_Received_20163__c is not editable
Class.rh2.PS_Rollup_Context.setParentsToUpdate: line 571, column 1 line 510, column 1
Class.rh2.PS_Rollup_Helper.performSync: line 545, column 1
Class.rh2.ParentUtil.performTriggerRollups: line 128, column 1
Trigger.RHX_Opportunity: line 7, column 1
Opps_Received_20163__c may be foremula field and your code might be trying to update this field. have a look at the references given in the error and make change in your code so as to not edit this field.
Please mark as best answer if helped.