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iswarya sekar 7iswarya sekar 7 

How to export all data from salesforce

Hi, I need to export all data from Salesforce. what are all the possible ways?
1. data loader - used to export data from a particular object
2. REST API - from a particular sobject only, data can be extracted.

Is there anyway? 
Best Answer chosen by iswarya sekar 7
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Yes .. user salesforce data export option 

Data Export lets you prepare a copy of all your data in From this page, you can start the export process manually or schedule it to run automatically. When an export is ready for download you will receive an email containing a link that allows you to download the file(s). The export files are also available on this page for 48 hours, after which time they are deleted.

From Setup --> Admin --> Data Management --> Data Export  Click Export now or use schedule  options .


All Answers

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Yes .. user salesforce data export option 

Data Export lets you prepare a copy of all your data in From this page, you can start the export process manually or schedule it to run automatically. When an export is ready for download you will receive an email containing a link that allows you to download the file(s). The export files are also available on this page for 48 hours, after which time they are deleted.

From Setup --> Admin --> Data Management --> Data Export  Click Export now or use schedule  options .

This was selected as the best answer
iswarya sekar 7iswarya sekar 7
Ok, thank you !!
Paul Edwards 14Paul Edwards 14
This works, but all the files are in separate .csv files - how do I get them all into 1 .csv file?
Max WillsonMax Willson
Try to use Skyvia - completely no-coding solution. It allows to export data from Salesforce to CSV and put it to file storages, if necessary. Look at this link