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Abhilash DaslalAbhilash Daslal 

test method for the following method

Hi Guys,
Please give the test class for the following class

​Public class getAccounts{

private String getAccountRecords(String AccuntId, String accountFor){
String recordId;
List<Account> accList =[Select id,Name,phone,Email from Account LIMIT 1];

recordId = accList[0].id;

    return recordId;
Best Answer chosen by Abhilash Daslal
Sagar PatilSagar Patil
Hi Abhilash

You will have to add @testVisible annotation in your controller as the method is private. PFB the test class which will give you 100% code coverage.

Apex class:
Public class getAccounts{

@testVisible private String getAccountRecords(String AccuntId, String accountFor){
String recordId;
List<Account> accList =[Select id,Name,phone from Account LIMIT 1];

recordId = accList[0].id;

    return recordId;

Test class:
Public class getAccounts_Test{

   public static testMethod void myTest(){
      Account acc1 = new Account();
      insert acc1;
      getAccounts obj = new getAccounts();
      String id = obj.getAccountRecords(, 'XYZ');


Note: I have took value of parameter accountFor as XYZ for test purpose. You can modify as per your requirement. Also there is no standard field - Email present on Account object, if it is custom field then please append __c and in test class set some value i.e.acct.email__c=''

Kindly mark this as a best answer if it helps you.


All Answers

Sagar PatilSagar Patil
Hi Abhilash

You will have to add @testVisible annotation in your controller as the method is private. PFB the test class which will give you 100% code coverage.

Apex class:
Public class getAccounts{

@testVisible private String getAccountRecords(String AccuntId, String accountFor){
String recordId;
List<Account> accList =[Select id,Name,phone from Account LIMIT 1];

recordId = accList[0].id;

    return recordId;

Test class:
Public class getAccounts_Test{

   public static testMethod void myTest(){
      Account acc1 = new Account();
      insert acc1;
      getAccounts obj = new getAccounts();
      String id = obj.getAccountRecords(, 'XYZ');


Note: I have took value of parameter accountFor as XYZ for test purpose. You can modify as per your requirement. Also there is no standard field - Email present on Account object, if it is custom field then please append __c and in test class set some value i.e.acct.email__c=''

Kindly mark this as a best answer if it helps you.

This was selected as the best answer
Nayana KNayana K
​Public class getAccounts{
private String getAccountRecords(String AccuntId, String accountFor){
String recordId;
List<Account> accList =[Select id,Name,phone,Email from Account LIMIT 1];

recordId = accList[0].id;

    return recordId;
Change your class like above (Added @TestVisible because the method is private)
String AccuntId, String accountFor parameters you are not using inside the method! so, no use of them.
public class AccountTest
    public static void test()
		// insert sample data
		Account objA = new Account(Name ='TestAcc');
		insert objA;
		// call the method
		getAccounts inst = new getAccounts();
		String recordId = inst.getAccountRecords('','');
		// verify the output
		system.assertEquals(recordId, objA.Id);

Abhilash DaslalAbhilash Daslal
Thank you @Sagar Patil and @Nayana K for your quick replies. Helped a lot
