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Abhilash Daslal
test method for the following method
Hi Guys,
Please give the test class for the following class
Public class getAccounts{
private String getAccountRecords(String AccuntId, String accountFor){
String recordId;
List<Account> accList =[Select id,Name,phone,Email from Account LIMIT 1];
recordId = accList[0].id;
return recordId;
Please give the test class for the following class
Public class getAccounts{
private String getAccountRecords(String AccuntId, String accountFor){
String recordId;
List<Account> accList =[Select id,Name,phone,Email from Account LIMIT 1];
recordId = accList[0].id;
return recordId;
You will have to add @testVisible annotation in your controller as the method is private. PFB the test class which will give you 100% code coverage.
Apex class:
Test class:
Note: I have took value of parameter accountFor as XYZ for test purpose. You can modify as per your requirement. Also there is no standard field - Email present on Account object, if it is custom field then please append __c and in test class set some value i.e.acct.email__c=''
Kindly mark this as a best answer if it helps you.
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You will have to add @testVisible annotation in your controller as the method is private. PFB the test class which will give you 100% code coverage.
Apex class:
Test class:
Note: I have took value of parameter accountFor as XYZ for test purpose. You can modify as per your requirement. Also there is no standard field - Email present on Account object, if it is custom field then please append __c and in test class set some value i.e.acct.email__c=''
Kindly mark this as a best answer if it helps you.
String AccuntId, String accountFor parameters you are not using inside the method! so, no use of them.