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Aparna Hegde 1
Unknown constructor visualforce
Hi All,
I am getting an error Unknown constructor 'GetLawyers.GetLawyers()' for the below code. Could you please let me know what's causing this issue and how can i fix it?
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="GetLawyers" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:pageblock title="Available Lawyers">
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!LawyersL3}" var ="Lawyer">
<apex:facet name="header">Lawyer Name</apex:facet>
<apex:outputText value="{!Lawyer.Lawyer__r.Name}"/>
Apex Class:
public with sharing class GetLawyers {
List<Lawyer_Data__c> LawyersL3 {get; set;}
public GetLawyers(string PG, String State, String Skill, decimal ClientLat, decimal ClientLong, string classification){
// Level 1 filtering
set<Id> Filter1 = new set<Id>();
List<User> LawyersL1 = new List<User>([select Id from user where Type__c='Lawyer']);
system.debug('Result of Level 1 filtering'+ LawyersL1);
for(User L:LawyersL1){
// Level 2 filtering
set<Id> Filter2 = new set<Id>();
set<Id> Filter3 = new set<Id>();
set<Id> Filter4 = new set<Id>();
List<Lawyer_Data__c> LawyersL2 =new List<Lawyer_Data__c>([select Id,Lawyer__c,SG_Office__c from Lawyer_Data__c where Practice_Group__c=:PG and State__c=:state and
Injury_Classification__c INCLUDES(:classification) and Lawyer__c IN :Filter1]);
system.debug('Result of Level 2 filtering'+ LawyersL2);
for(Lawyer_Data__c LD:LawyersL2){
// Distance Calculation
Location ClientLocation = Location.newInstance(ClientLat,ClientLong);
Map<Id, Double> DistanceTable = new Map<Id, Double>();
List<SG_Office__c> Offices=new List<SG_Office__c>([select Id,name,Geolocation__Latitude__s,Geolocation__Longitude__s FROM SG_Office__c where Id IN:Filter3]);
system.debug('Result of Distance Calculation'+ Offices);
for(SG_Office__c SGO:Offices){
Location SG_Office = Location.newInstance(SGO.Geolocation__Latitude__s, SGO.Geolocation__Longitude__s);
Double Dist2ClientLoc = SG_Office.getDistance(ClientLocation, 'km');
for(Lawyer_Data__c LD1:LawyersL2){
LD1.distance__c = DistanceTable.get(LD1.SG_Office__c);
//update LawyersL2;
system.debug('Display all the lawyers with distance'+LawyersL2);
// Select the top 3 lawyers sorted by distance
LawyersL3= [select Lawyer__r.Name, SG_Office__r.Name,Distance__c from Lawyer_Data__c where ID IN:Filter4 order by Distance__c];
system.debug('Display all the lawyers sorted'+LawyersL3);
I am getting an error Unknown constructor 'GetLawyers.GetLawyers()' for the below code. Could you please let me know what's causing this issue and how can i fix it?
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="GetLawyers" lightningStylesheets="true">
<apex:pageblock title="Available Lawyers">
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!LawyersL3}" var ="Lawyer">
<apex:facet name="header">Lawyer Name</apex:facet>
<apex:outputText value="{!Lawyer.Lawyer__r.Name}"/>
Apex Class:
public with sharing class GetLawyers {
List<Lawyer_Data__c> LawyersL3 {get; set;}
public GetLawyers(string PG, String State, String Skill, decimal ClientLat, decimal ClientLong, string classification){
// Level 1 filtering
set<Id> Filter1 = new set<Id>();
List<User> LawyersL1 = new List<User>([select Id from user where Type__c='Lawyer']);
system.debug('Result of Level 1 filtering'+ LawyersL1);
for(User L:LawyersL1){
// Level 2 filtering
set<Id> Filter2 = new set<Id>();
set<Id> Filter3 = new set<Id>();
set<Id> Filter4 = new set<Id>();
List<Lawyer_Data__c> LawyersL2 =new List<Lawyer_Data__c>([select Id,Lawyer__c,SG_Office__c from Lawyer_Data__c where Practice_Group__c=:PG and State__c=:state and
Injury_Classification__c INCLUDES(:classification) and Lawyer__c IN :Filter1]);
system.debug('Result of Level 2 filtering'+ LawyersL2);
for(Lawyer_Data__c LD:LawyersL2){
// Distance Calculation
Location ClientLocation = Location.newInstance(ClientLat,ClientLong);
Map<Id, Double> DistanceTable = new Map<Id, Double>();
List<SG_Office__c> Offices=new List<SG_Office__c>([select Id,name,Geolocation__Latitude__s,Geolocation__Longitude__s FROM SG_Office__c where Id IN:Filter3]);
system.debug('Result of Distance Calculation'+ Offices);
for(SG_Office__c SGO:Offices){
Location SG_Office = Location.newInstance(SGO.Geolocation__Latitude__s, SGO.Geolocation__Longitude__s);
Double Dist2ClientLoc = SG_Office.getDistance(ClientLocation, 'km');
for(Lawyer_Data__c LD1:LawyersL2){
LD1.distance__c = DistanceTable.get(LD1.SG_Office__c);
//update LawyersL2;
system.debug('Display all the lawyers with distance'+LawyersL2);
// Select the top 3 lawyers sorted by distance
LawyersL3= [select Lawyer__r.Name, SG_Office__r.Name,Distance__c from Lawyer_Data__c where ID IN:Filter4 order by Distance__c];
system.debug('Display all the lawyers sorted'+LawyersL3);
This will resolve the issue.
All Answers
This will resolve the issue.