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Test Class - Help
Hi Experts,
I have created an Apex Class, some one please help me on creating Test Class. Thanks in Advance.
Note: In Same Class (end of the class) I have tried test class, but no luck.
public class UserRoleHelper {
/********************* Properties used by getRootNodeOfUserTree function - starts **********************/
// map to hold roles with Id as the key
private static Map <Id, UserRole> roleUsersMap;
// map to hold child roles with parentRoleId as the key
private static Map <Id, List<UserRole>> parentChildRoleMap;
// List holds all subordinates
private static List<User> allSubordinates {get; set;}
// Global JSON generator
private static JSONGenerator gen {get; set;}
/********************* Properties used by getRootNodeOfUserTree function - ends **********************/
/********************* Properties used by getSObjectTypeById function - starts ********************* */
// map to hold global describe data
private static Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> gd;
// map to store objects and their prefixes
private static Map<String, String> keyPrefixMap;
// to hold set of all sObject prefixes
private static Set<String> keyPrefixSet;
/********************* Properties used by getSObjectTypeById function - ends **********************/
/* // initialize helper data */
static {
// initialize helper data for getSObjectTypeById function
// initialize helper data for getRootNodeOfUserTree function
/* // init1 starts <to initialise helper data> */
private static void init1() {
// get all objects from the org
gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
// to store objects and their prefixes
keyPrefixMap = new Map<String, String>{};
//get the object prefix in IDs
keyPrefixSet = gd.keySet();
// fill up the prefixes map
for(String sObj : keyPrefixSet) {
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = gd.get(sObj).getDescribe();
String tempName = r.getName();
String tempPrefix = r.getKeyPrefix();
keyPrefixMap.put(tempPrefix, tempName);
/* // init1 ends */
/* // init2 starts <to initialise helper data> */
private static void init2() {
// Create a blank list
allSubordinates = new List<User>();
// Get role to users mapping in a map with key as role id
roleUsersMap = new Map<Id, UserRole>([select Id, Name, parentRoleId, (select id, name from users) from UserRole order by parentRoleId]);
// populate parent role - child roles map
parentChildRoleMap = new Map <Id, List<UserRole>>();
for (UserRole r : roleUsersMap.values()) {
List<UserRole> tempList;
if (!parentChildRoleMap.containsKey(r.parentRoleId)){
tempList = new List<UserRole>();
parentChildRoleMap.put(r.parentRoleId, tempList);
else {
tempList = (List<UserRole>)parentChildRoleMap.get(r.parentRoleId);
parentChildRoleMap.put(r.parentRoleId, tempList);
/* // init2 ends */
/* // public method to get the starting node of the RoleTree along with user list */
public static RoleNodeWrapper getRootNodeOfUserTree (Id userOrRoleId) {
return createNode(userOrRoleId);
/* // createNode starts */
private static RoleNodeWrapper createNode(Id objId) {
RoleNodeWrapper n = new RoleNodeWrapper();
Id roleId;
if (isRole(objId)) {
roleId = objId;
if (!roleUsersMap.get(roleId).Users.isEmpty()) {
n.myUsers = roleUsersMap.get(roleId).Users;
n.hasUsers = true;
else {
List<User> tempUsrList = new List<User>();
User tempUser = [Select Id, Name, UserRoleId from User where Id =: objId];
n.myUsers = tempUsrList;
roleId = tempUser.UserRoleId;
n.myRoleId = roleId;
n.myRoleName = roleUsersMap.get(roleId).Name;
n.myParentRoleId = roleUsersMap.get(roleId).ParentRoleId;
if (parentChildRoleMap.containsKey(roleId)){
n.hasChildren = true;
n.isLeafNode = false;
List<RoleNodeWrapper> lst = new List<RoleNodeWrapper>();
for (UserRole r : parentChildRoleMap.get(roleId)) {
n.myChildNodes = lst;
else {
n.isLeafNode = true;
n.hasChildren = false;
return n;
public static List<User> getAllSubordinates(Id userId){
return allSubordinates;
public static String getTreeJSON(Id userOrRoleId) {
gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
RoleNodeWrapper node = createNode(userOrRoleId);
return gen.getAsString();
private static void convertNodeToJSON(RoleNodeWrapper objRNW){
gen.writeStringField('title', objRNW.myRoleName);
gen.writeStringField('key', objRNW.myRoleId);
gen.writeBooleanField('unselectable', false);
gen.writeBooleanField('expand', true);
gen.writeBooleanField('isFolder', true);
if (objRNW.hasUsers || objRNW.hasChildren)
if (objRNW.hasUsers)
for (User u : objRNW.myUsers)
gen.writeStringField('title', u.Name);
gen.writeStringField('key', u.Id);
if (objRNW.hasChildren)
for (RoleNodeWrapper r : objRNW.myChildNodes)
/* // general utility function to get the SObjectType of the Id passed as the argument, to be used in conjunction with */
public static String getSObjectTypeById(Id objectId) {
String tPrefix = objectId;
tPrefix = tPrefix.subString(0,3);
//get the object type now
String objectType = keyPrefixMap.get(tPrefix);
return objectType;
/* // utility function getSObjectTypeById ends */
/* // check the object type of objId using the utility function getSObjectTypeById and return 'true' if it's of Role type */
public static Boolean isRole (Id objId) {
if (getSObjectTypeById(objId) == String.valueOf(UserRole.sObjectType)) {
return true;
else if (getSObjectTypeById(objId) == String.valueOf(User.sObjectType)) {
return false;
return false;
/* // isRole ends */
public class RoleNodeWrapper {
// Role info properties - begin
public String myRoleName {get; set;}
public Id myRoleId {get; set;}
public String myParentRoleId {get; set;}
// Role info properties - end
// Node children identifier properties - begin
public Boolean hasChildren {get; set;}
public Boolean isLeafNode {get; set;}
public Boolean hasUsers {get; set;}
// Node children identifier properties - end
// Node children properties - begin
public List<User> myUsers {get; set;}
public List<RoleNodeWrapper> myChildNodes {get; set;}
// Node children properties - end
public RoleNodeWrapper(){
hasUsers = false;
hasChildren = false;
// @isTest
// static void testUserRoleHelper() {
// test the output in system debug with role Id
Id roleId = '00E90000000pMaP';
RoleNodeWrapper startNodeWithRoleId = UserRoleHelper.getRootNodeOfUserTree(roleId);
String strJsonWithRoleId = JSON.serialize(startNodeWithRoleId);
// now test the output in system debug with userId
// Id userId = UserInfo.getUserId() ;
RoleNodeWrapper startNodeWithUserId = UserRoleHelper.getRootNodeOfUserTree(userId);
String strJsonWithUserId = JSON.serialize(startNodeWithUserId);
// test whether all subordinates get added
//Id userId = '005900000011xZv';
// String str = UserRoleHelper.getTreeJSON(userId);
//List<User> tmpUsrList = UserRoleHelper.getAllSubordinates('00E90000000pMaP');
//system.debug('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%tmpUsrList:' + tmpUsrList);
// }
I have created an Apex Class, some one please help me on creating Test Class. Thanks in Advance.
Note: In Same Class (end of the class) I have tried test class, but no luck.
public class UserRoleHelper {
/********************* Properties used by getRootNodeOfUserTree function - starts **********************/
// map to hold roles with Id as the key
private static Map <Id, UserRole> roleUsersMap;
// map to hold child roles with parentRoleId as the key
private static Map <Id, List<UserRole>> parentChildRoleMap;
// List holds all subordinates
private static List<User> allSubordinates {get; set;}
// Global JSON generator
private static JSONGenerator gen {get; set;}
/********************* Properties used by getRootNodeOfUserTree function - ends **********************/
/********************* Properties used by getSObjectTypeById function - starts ********************* */
// map to hold global describe data
private static Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> gd;
// map to store objects and their prefixes
private static Map<String, String> keyPrefixMap;
// to hold set of all sObject prefixes
private static Set<String> keyPrefixSet;
/********************* Properties used by getSObjectTypeById function - ends **********************/
/* // initialize helper data */
static {
// initialize helper data for getSObjectTypeById function
// initialize helper data for getRootNodeOfUserTree function
/* // init1 starts <to initialise helper data> */
private static void init1() {
// get all objects from the org
gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
// to store objects and their prefixes
keyPrefixMap = new Map<String, String>{};
//get the object prefix in IDs
keyPrefixSet = gd.keySet();
// fill up the prefixes map
for(String sObj : keyPrefixSet) {
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = gd.get(sObj).getDescribe();
String tempName = r.getName();
String tempPrefix = r.getKeyPrefix();
keyPrefixMap.put(tempPrefix, tempName);
/* // init1 ends */
/* // init2 starts <to initialise helper data> */
private static void init2() {
// Create a blank list
allSubordinates = new List<User>();
// Get role to users mapping in a map with key as role id
roleUsersMap = new Map<Id, UserRole>([select Id, Name, parentRoleId, (select id, name from users) from UserRole order by parentRoleId]);
// populate parent role - child roles map
parentChildRoleMap = new Map <Id, List<UserRole>>();
for (UserRole r : roleUsersMap.values()) {
List<UserRole> tempList;
if (!parentChildRoleMap.containsKey(r.parentRoleId)){
tempList = new List<UserRole>();
parentChildRoleMap.put(r.parentRoleId, tempList);
else {
tempList = (List<UserRole>)parentChildRoleMap.get(r.parentRoleId);
parentChildRoleMap.put(r.parentRoleId, tempList);
/* // init2 ends */
/* // public method to get the starting node of the RoleTree along with user list */
public static RoleNodeWrapper getRootNodeOfUserTree (Id userOrRoleId) {
return createNode(userOrRoleId);
/* // createNode starts */
private static RoleNodeWrapper createNode(Id objId) {
RoleNodeWrapper n = new RoleNodeWrapper();
Id roleId;
if (isRole(objId)) {
roleId = objId;
if (!roleUsersMap.get(roleId).Users.isEmpty()) {
n.myUsers = roleUsersMap.get(roleId).Users;
n.hasUsers = true;
else {
List<User> tempUsrList = new List<User>();
User tempUser = [Select Id, Name, UserRoleId from User where Id =: objId];
n.myUsers = tempUsrList;
roleId = tempUser.UserRoleId;
n.myRoleId = roleId;
n.myRoleName = roleUsersMap.get(roleId).Name;
n.myParentRoleId = roleUsersMap.get(roleId).ParentRoleId;
if (parentChildRoleMap.containsKey(roleId)){
n.hasChildren = true;
n.isLeafNode = false;
List<RoleNodeWrapper> lst = new List<RoleNodeWrapper>();
for (UserRole r : parentChildRoleMap.get(roleId)) {
n.myChildNodes = lst;
else {
n.isLeafNode = true;
n.hasChildren = false;
return n;
public static List<User> getAllSubordinates(Id userId){
return allSubordinates;
public static String getTreeJSON(Id userOrRoleId) {
gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
RoleNodeWrapper node = createNode(userOrRoleId);
return gen.getAsString();
private static void convertNodeToJSON(RoleNodeWrapper objRNW){
gen.writeStringField('title', objRNW.myRoleName);
gen.writeStringField('key', objRNW.myRoleId);
gen.writeBooleanField('unselectable', false);
gen.writeBooleanField('expand', true);
gen.writeBooleanField('isFolder', true);
if (objRNW.hasUsers || objRNW.hasChildren)
if (objRNW.hasUsers)
for (User u : objRNW.myUsers)
gen.writeStringField('title', u.Name);
gen.writeStringField('key', u.Id);
if (objRNW.hasChildren)
for (RoleNodeWrapper r : objRNW.myChildNodes)
/* // general utility function to get the SObjectType of the Id passed as the argument, to be used in conjunction with */
public static String getSObjectTypeById(Id objectId) {
String tPrefix = objectId;
tPrefix = tPrefix.subString(0,3);
//get the object type now
String objectType = keyPrefixMap.get(tPrefix);
return objectType;
/* // utility function getSObjectTypeById ends */
/* // check the object type of objId using the utility function getSObjectTypeById and return 'true' if it's of Role type */
public static Boolean isRole (Id objId) {
if (getSObjectTypeById(objId) == String.valueOf(UserRole.sObjectType)) {
return true;
else if (getSObjectTypeById(objId) == String.valueOf(User.sObjectType)) {
return false;
return false;
/* // isRole ends */
public class RoleNodeWrapper {
// Role info properties - begin
public String myRoleName {get; set;}
public Id myRoleId {get; set;}
public String myParentRoleId {get; set;}
// Role info properties - end
// Node children identifier properties - begin
public Boolean hasChildren {get; set;}
public Boolean isLeafNode {get; set;}
public Boolean hasUsers {get; set;}
// Node children identifier properties - end
// Node children properties - begin
public List<User> myUsers {get; set;}
public List<RoleNodeWrapper> myChildNodes {get; set;}
// Node children properties - end
public RoleNodeWrapper(){
hasUsers = false;
hasChildren = false;
// @isTest
// static void testUserRoleHelper() {
// test the output in system debug with role Id
Id roleId = '00E90000000pMaP';
RoleNodeWrapper startNodeWithRoleId = UserRoleHelper.getRootNodeOfUserTree(roleId);
String strJsonWithRoleId = JSON.serialize(startNodeWithRoleId);
// now test the output in system debug with userId
// Id userId = UserInfo.getUserId() ;
RoleNodeWrapper startNodeWithUserId = UserRoleHelper.getRootNodeOfUserTree(userId);
String strJsonWithUserId = JSON.serialize(startNodeWithUserId);
// test whether all subordinates get added
//Id userId = '005900000011xZv';
// String str = UserRoleHelper.getTreeJSON(userId);
//List<User> tmpUsrList = UserRoleHelper.getAllSubordinates('00E90000000pMaP');
//system.debug('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%tmpUsrList:' + tmpUsrList);
// }
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