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Jeffrey CheungJeffrey Cheung 

lightning:inputField is not working with lookup field

A Negotiation object looks up to an Opportunity. The Opportunity Id is in the event but it is gone in the trigger, hence the required field missing error.

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Best Answer chosen by Jeffrey Cheung
Jeffrey CheungJeffrey Cheung

This is a bug in lightning:inputField with Master-Detail relationship. The same error has been rasied 3 months ago already:

Sadly Salesforce doesn't care about this bug so it is not fixed.

The only solution is:
1. Check "Allow reparenting" checkbox for the Master-Detail field on the child object
2. Change the relationship to a lookup

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Hi! May we see your component/controller codes please? Thank you!
Jeffrey CheungJeffrey Cheung

This is a bug in lightning:inputField with Master-Detail relationship. The same error has been rasied 3 months ago already:

Sadly Salesforce doesn't care about this bug so it is not fixed.

The only solution is:
1. Check "Allow reparenting" checkbox for the Master-Detail field on the child object
2. Change the relationship to a lookup

This was selected as the best answer