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Is there a good/automated way to do a difference between all classes between dev and qa?

I want to compare code changes in all classes in my dev and qa org.
Michael Merino 1Michael Merino 1
If you use Eclipse (which puts copies of your metadata on your hard drive) you can use: winmerge --> works GREAT

if you don't you can use:  also a very nice tool
Shubham NandwanaShubham Nandwana
Hi sfdc3,
You can use eclipse IDE to download the metadata for both the projects and use eclipse in built compare functionality which gives all the differences bw all files of selected folders.
Use command button to select any 2 files/folders right click and choose compare with->each other.

Shubham Nandwana.
AppPerfect Corp.
Salesforce Development & Operations Experts