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Vaibhav PurohitVaibhav Purohit 

Show related child object records based on a specific field.

Hey everyone,
So i have a question, a child object has its mandatory field as an autonumber and in the related tab of the parent object, the list of children records is displayed by that number. Is there a way to list those related children records in the parent using any child object field i like??
Any help!! 
You can customize the fields to be displayed in the related child records. 
For this,
  • You have to edit the page layout of your parent object. In your parent object's page layout move on to the area defining the child record related list.
  • Click on wrench icon to move on to the related list properties
  • Select the child object fields which you want to display on the related child record list of parent object
  • Click Ok
  • Don't forget to save the page layout
Hope this works for you. Let me know if it works