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Jothi Eswaran
One Trigger(T1) updates a field. This field update induces another Trigger (T2). Now both Trigger events will come under same transaction or different transaction ?
One Trigger(T1) updates a field. This field update induces another Trigger (T2). Now both Trigger events will come under same transaction or a different transaction ?
Both will come in same transaction.
Actually trigger will excecute in synchronous way.
Plz check with Execution order of Trigger in below link and specialy check with the in this link.
Ex: Supose you are having trigger on Account and Opportunity object. And you will be having functionality in Oppty trigger to update a field (Total Opportunities Amount) on Account record (Parent of oppotunity). While updating Account record from Opportunity trigger, Account trigger get fired.
These all will get in single transaction only.
Step 1: Oppty Trigger
1. While Update Amount of Oppty
2. Oppty trigger will execute
3. Calculate all related Oppty amounts of Account
4. Update Account records with sum amounts
Step 2: Then Account Trigger will get execute
5. Account trigger excecute and do the operation mentioned there.
6. Update the account with Sum amount
Step 3: Commit All transaction.
Hope it will clear your doubt. ANd let me know if still having doubt.