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Phillip Mcelu
No test methods found in the Apex code included in the package. At least 75% test coverage is required.
I tried to upload a package including this Apex Class, a message shows up "Upload Failed No test methods found in the Apex code included in the package. At least 75% test coverage is required." Can anyone please help me how to write the test method?
Public Class EmailHandler{ Public String newappId; public static Boolean testmode { get; set; } static { testmode = false; } public pagereference sendemail() { newappId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); List<Tax_Receipt__c> lst_emailfund; lst_emailfund = [SELECT id,AccountEmail__c,name,Contact_First_Name__c,CreatedById, Contact_Email__c,Account__c,,Contact__c FROM Tax_Receipt__c WHERE id=:Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') Limit 1]; sendALLemail(lst_emailfund); PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/'+newappId); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } public static void sendALLemail(List<Tax_Receipt__c> lst_TaxRcpt) { system.debug('***EMAIL2***'); Boolean SendEmail = True; Task addEmail; Date todaydate =; for(Tax_Receipt__c emailfund:lst_TaxRcpt ){ addEmail = new Task(); SendEmail=true; if(emailfund.Contact_Email__c == Null && emailfund.AccountEmail__c==Null){ SendEmail=false; addEmail.subject = 'Missing Email Address'; addEmail.Description = 'Tx certificate was not sent because there is no email address No: '+; } if(SendEmail==false){ } else{ addEmail.OwnerId = emailfund.createdbyId; addEmail.subject = 'Tax Email'; addEmail.status = 'closed'; addEmail.Priority = 'Normal'; addEmail.ActivityDate = System.Today(); addEmail.Description = 'Emailed tax certificate with attachment PSFATaxCertificate.pdf see Tx certificate No: '+; String addresses,donor,subject,body; EmailTemplate templateId; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); if(emailfund.Contact_Email__c != null){ addresses = emailfund.Contact_Email__c; donor = emailfund.Contact_First_Name__c; templateId = [select id, name from EmailTemplate where name =: 'TaxCertificateContact']; addEmail.WhoId = emailfund.Contact__c; addEmail.WhatId =; email.setTemplateId(; email.setTargetObjectId(emailfund.Contact__c); } else{ donor =; addresses = emailfund.AccountEmail__c; addEmail.WhatId = emailfund.Account__c; Batch_Email__c BatchEmail = new Batch_Email__c(); BatchEmail = [SELECT Date__c,Image_Url__c,Email_Subject__c,Email_Body__c FROM Batch_Email__c limit 1]; subject = 'PSFA TaxCertificate'; body = '<html><body>Dear'+ ' ' + donor +' '+ '<p>'+BatchEmail.Email_Body__c+ // Attached please find a copy of your Section 18A Tax Certificate for donation/s made to the Peninsula School Feeding Association during the 2014/15 financial year.</p><p>Your generous financial support has ensured that the hungry children on our feeding programme continue to receive healthy cooked meals while at school.</p><br><br>Kind regards<br><br>CHARLES GREY<br><br>FUNDRAISING MANAGER<br>Cell: 0824548808<br> '<br><img width = "160" height = "120" src="'+ BatchEmail.Image_Url__c + '"/><br><table><tr><td><a href = "" >Facebook </a></td><td><a href = "" >Twitter </a></td></table></body></html>'; system.debug('****'+body); //" /> email.setHtmlBody(body ); //email.setPlainTextBody( body ); email.setSubject(BatchEmail.Email_Subject__c ); } //Attachment get the data PageReference pdf; // system.debug('***InvestmentType***'+InvestmentType); if(emailfund != null){ pdf = Page.TaxIndEmail; } pdf.getParameters().put('id',(String); pdf.setRedirect(true); // Take the PDF content Blob b; if (testmode) { b = Blob.valueOf(body); } else { b = pdf.getContent(); } // Create the email attachment and the email Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); efa.setFileName('PSFATaxCertificate.pdf'); efa.setBody(b); system.debug('**addresses**'+addresses); String[] toAddresses = addresses.split(':', 0); OrgWideEmailAddress[] owea = [select Id from OrgWideEmailAddress where Address = '']; // Sets the paramaters of the email if ( owea.size() > 0 ) { email.setOrgWideEmailAddressId(owea.get(0).Id); } email.setSaveAsActivity(true); email.setReplyTo(''); email.setToAddresses( toAddresses); email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); // Sends the email Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); emailfund.Isclosed__c = true; // update emailfund; Insert addEmail; } } update lst_TaxRcpt; } }
Suraj Gharat
Phillip Mcelu
Thanks Suraj for your reply, I'm a newbie to Apex I mostly work on the Admin side. I thought copying the syntax to the new org via packages will work without having to write extra code, I now am getting the coverage error. Your help will be very much appreciated. Many thanks