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David Roberts 4David Roberts 4 

Where do we post enhancement requests for the developer console?

The "Search in Files" feature is particularly irritating because it doesn't search components.
Also, the debug logs won't show the last few lines without jumping back up the list.
The "Search"  box overlays the horizontal scroll bar.
Best Answer chosen by David Roberts 4
Either post it as an Idea on Idea Exchange
Give feedback about Salesforce.
After you login to your org, click the '?' icon. The Saleforce help menu that opens has a link at the bottom that says 'Give feedback about salesforce' 

All Answers

Either post it as an Idea on Idea Exchange
Give feedback about Salesforce.
After you login to your org, click the '?' icon. The Saleforce help menu that opens has a link at the bottom that says 'Give feedback about salesforce' 
This was selected as the best answer
David Roberts 4David Roberts 4
Thanks, Smartie.
Found this in the Ideas Exchange: and added my comments