function readOnly(count){ }
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trigger ContactUpdate on Contact (after insert) { set<Id> acctIds = new set<Id>(); for(Contact con : { acctIds.add(con.AccountId); } List<Account> accs = [Select Id ,Description , (Select Id, LastName ,Description from Contacts) from Account where Id in :acctIds] ; for(Account a :accs){ List<String> cnons = List<String>() ; for(Contact c :a.Contacts){ cnons.add(c.Description); } String strCntry = ''; for(String s:cnons) { strCntry += (strCntry == ''?'':',')+s; } idString = idString.substring(0, idString.length()-1); a.Description = idString ; } Update accs; }
trigger ContactTrigger on Contact (before insert,before update,after insert,after update) { if(Trigger.isAfter) { if(Trigger.isInsert||Trigger.isUpdate) { //Update Account description with related contact description Set<Id> accIds=new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,String> AccDesc=new Map<Id,String>(); for(Contact { if(c.Description!=trigger.oldMap.get(c.Id).description) { accIds.add(c.AccountId); if(AccDesc.containsKey(c.AccountId)) { String descp=AccDesc.get(c.AccountId); descp=descp+','+c.Description; AccDesc.put(c.AccountId,descp); } else { AccDesc.put(c.AccountId,c.Description); } } } if(accIds.size()>0){ List<account> accList=new List<Account>([select id,Description from Account where id in: accIds]); for(Account acc:accList) { if(AccDesc.containsKey(acc.Id)) { if(acc.Description!=null) acc.description=acc.Description+','+AccDesc.get(acc.Id); else acc.description=AccDesc.get(acc.Id); } } update accList; } } } }
Try the below code:
Hope this will be helpful.This worked for me perfectly.