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Where am I going wrong? Trailhead module: Admin Beginner - Lightning Experience Customization - Create and Customize List Views

I am having trouble with the above Trailhead module.

Here is my Challenge:
Create a custom list view
Lance Park, one of Ursa Major Solar’s sales reps, wants to see a list of opportunities that are in the late stages of negotiation or have high probability to close, or both. Step into Lance’s shoes and make that happen.
  • Use the App Launcher to open the Sales app
  • Create a list view for opportunities named High Probability Opportunities
  • Let all users see the list view
  • The list should show only opportunities whose stage is Proposal/Price Quote and Negotiation/Review, and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%.
I already created a custom list view namely - High Probability Opportunities as under:
On this page :

The error that I am getting is:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'High Probability Opportunities' list view does not appear to be configured correctly. It should show only opportunities whose stage is 'Proposal/Price Quote' and 'Negotiation/Review', and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%.

Can anyone help me?

Sukanya BanekarSukanya Banekar
Hi Himanshu,
I hope you have created the custom list view under Opportunity tab.
Try to create the records for opportunity (based on the criteria of list view) and check whether those records display under list view.
Because I tried the same in my org and its working fine.

Jason Myers 1Jason Myers 1
Did you get this to work?  I am having the same problems.
jetandra ervin-faconjetandra ervin-facon
I was working on the same unit today, and I had my value for probability as .5 but when I changed it to 50, it worked. User-added image
Jason Myers 1Jason Myers 1
Have the filters set up the same way and still get the same error message.
Jason Myers 1Jason Myers 1
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Schema BuilderSchema Builder
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For stages add two diffrent filter logic this will complete your challange
You need to add AND condition as well, follow the screenshot. 
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Hope this helps you.
Van Tu TrieuVan Tu Trieu
it's work, thank so muck
M Ali 9M Ali 9
@sukanya banekar Thank you. I was wondering why I couldn't see those options and it turned out that I set up the list in ACCOUNT Instead OPPORTUNITY....u saved the day, Thnx
For some reason, I am unable to see the 'Challenge' section of this module. Any help or pointer?

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Melanie WongMelanie Wong
I am also unable to see the Challege section. Hoping it's a temporary glitch but will have to proceed with other modules for now.
Hui Meng 3Hui Meng 3
I have the same problem that could not see the challenge. But I think I 've done the whole thing.
Roel WillmsRoel Willms
Same problem here. Hope it will be fixed soon. 
John TownsendJohn Townsend
yup - me too.  Please fix.   Buggy trails are troubling
John TownsendJohn Townsend
to be specific, hte link to the challenge (on the right) goes nowhere, and there is no challenge in the overall content itself. of that trail.
Kamal ThakurKamal Thakur
Hello Everyone, this issue is fixed now. Please go ahead and complete the module. 
I suffered for 20 min on this issue. How I got it. Sorry if a repeat.
1. Be sure your custom list set for Show me "All Opportuities" and not Show me "My Opportunities"
2. Add both 'Proposals/Price Quote' and 'Negotiation/Review' conditions to "Stage", and set 'equals'
3. Probability greater or equal to 50, and not to 0.5 as someone suggested above as the field explicitly requests a percentage value. 0.5 will skew  list results.Trailhead: Create and Customize List Views - High Probability Opportunity exercise
In SFDC, the equals vs contains also troubling, 
Karishma G 5Karishma G 5
I am getting this error : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an opportunity list view named 'High Probability Opportunities'. 

I have created the list view and  applied filters as well, it gives the following result however when I ask for check challenge it trows me an error.

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Can anyone help me?
Glenn SheppardGlenn Sheppard
I was finally able to get it to work.  I had to go back and delete all previous attempts so that only 'all opportunities' was listed.  Then start with new list.  I hope this helps!
Kerolos SarofemKerolos Sarofem
Dont use contains use equal twice in in logic put (1 OR 2) and 3
Ghazaleh NazariGhazaleh Nazari
Thank you! I did exactly as you posted but still get error!!
Ghazaleh NazariGhazaleh Nazari
Can someone please help?
Natasha AlonsoNatasha Alonso
I was stuck on this for 30 min.  This is what I had when it finally worked:

Show Me: All Opportunities

Stage: Equals Propasal/Price Quote, Negotiation/Review
Probability: greater or equal 50
Stephen NyamupachituStephen Nyamupachitu
Been stuck for 2 hours.I should get it right
Stephen NyamupachituStephen Nyamupachitu
I finally got it right!!
Rachel MarksRachel Marks
I'm not able to find any filters with the names Stage and Probability (%) from the drop down menu. How can I find them?
Akeel WaniAkeel Wani
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I was also stuck on the same error but I finaly found the solution .  Please  add FILTER LOGIC  and u are good to go !!  Follow the above screenshot 
Akeel WaniAkeel Wani
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Folow the above screenshot for adding filters
Carlo MorasCarlo Moras
Same problem, tried to restart everything but it's still not working. 
Martin BurrowsMartin Burrows
Thank you everybody for the contributions. This really helped me out. 
Ankit Jain 2909Ankit Jain 2909
  • Use the App Launcher to open the Sales app
  • Create a list view for opportunities named High Probability Opportunities
  • Let all users see the list view
  • The list should show only opportunities whose stage is Proposal/Price Quote or Negotiation/Review, and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%

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Dmitriy GribanovDmitriy Gribanov
Please try to check the challenge from another browser - I didn't manage to pass within Google Chrome but it worked at once when I logged into trailhead from Microsoft Edge!
Hanuman MehraHanuman Mehra
Please useit. It is correct.
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Ajay K DubediAjay K Dubedi
Hi Himanshu,

In this Challenge when you add the filter for a stage you have to select multiple options first one is  Proposal/Price Quote and second is Negotiation/Review. And add another filter for probability where Operator should be greater than or equal to and value will be 50%.% symbol is also mandatory.

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.
Ajay Dubedi
admin SalesForce 59admin SalesForce 59
I have tried all the filters that were suggested but cant resolve this challenge  ):  
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admin SalesForce 59admin SalesForce 59
I even changed the playground and applied the filters again no luck ):
Junaid IslamJunaid Islam
@Akeel Wani thank you for your help!
Roman BopatowskiRoman Bopatowski
Hey All, this is a correct one, at least the trailhead set this as done correctly in my challenge:

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Gunjan MistryGunjan Mistry
Thank you 
Roman Bopatowski
sameer pandey 3sameer pandey 3
please see this ss for solution----

you have to follow the same, as I have.

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Mayur BholeMayur Bhole
Hey All,
I think you all should understand challenge carefully.

Create a custom list view
Lance Park, one of Ursa Major Solar’s sales reps, wants to see a list of opportunities that are in the late stages of negotiation or have high probability to close, or both. Step into Lance’s shoes and make that happen.
  • Use the App Launcher to open the Sales app
  • Create a list view for opportunities named High Probability Opportunities
  • Let all users see the list view
  • The list should show only opportunities whose stage is Proposal/Price Quote and Negotiation/Review, and whose probability is greater than or equal to 50%. [NOTE - Filter logic: (1 AND 2) AND 3]
You all created custom list thats ok , But the filter and filter logic you added is not correct. Follow the attached Ss. 

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*NOTE : In my challenge , Their is Proposal/Price Quote OR Negotiation/Review  INSTEAD OF Proposal/Price Quote and Negotiation/Review. 

Himanshu Parikh please mark the question sovled. 

Mayur Bhole
Temitope AdepojuTemitope Adepoju
I was stuck on this for weeks but I did not give up and I finally find a way out on here, thanks to everyone that contributed
Sia Thripio 5080Sia Thripio 5080
Thanks To: Natasha Alonso
I was stuck on this for 30 min.  This is what I had when it finally worked:
Show Me: All Opportunities
Stage: Equals Propasal/Price Quote, Negotiation/Review
Probability: greater or equal 50
Originally posted on: April 4, 2018
Updated and worked for me on November 27, 2020
Caio TrevisanCaio Trevisan
Don't forget the "AND". You must use 2 different filters
Samritha Reddy BalamSamritha Reddy Balam
Stuck on this for 30 min and realised that I cretaed a list view in accounts tab instead of OPPURTUNITIES tab.Thanks to 
sukanya banekar
maheswar kondalamaheswar kondala
It woks for meUser-added image
Shreya S 15Shreya S 15

I just saved the filter and ran the check. IT WORKED !!
I had the same error. 
janani Vinodjanani Vinod
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just add equal to the proposal/price tag ,negotiation/review.
this help in solving the issue.
Eric Hwang 29Eric Hwang 29
why my Opportunities has no thoese fields proposal/price tag ,negotiation/review.
help me please .I can't go on
Shankar SoundararajanShankar Soundararajan
May be something wrong with "select fields to display " make sure those are selected
Sandra FruSandra Fru
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Under Stage hav operator as EQUAL not Greater or Equal that worked for me 
Anna MottolaAnna Mottola
this is what i finally used and able to get through this unit.Filter by Owner: all opportunities, Matching these filters: Stage equals Proposal/Price Quote, Probability % greater or equal 50, Stage equals Negotiation/Review. Filter Logic (1 AND 2) OR (2 AND 3)
Anvitha BAnvitha B
The answer is
1. Create High Probability Opportunites
2. Go to the filter option at the right hand side and click
3. Now select Stage and add equal to Proposal/Price Quote,Negotiation/Review and click save
4. Again click filter and select Probability greater than or equals to save and its done
5. check the challenge now..its cleared..
if u find this helpful please give like and give best answer to the reply
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