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David Gunn 17
Can't pass results back from invocableMethod in Apex class to flow through custom object
(If should be posted to the developers forum I apologize - let me know and I'll post there instead.)
I can't set up my flow to receive a return value from an invocablemethod. :(
I'm building an Apex class named Temp that contains an invocablemethod named performApproval. It returns a return code and string message through a custom object:
Can anyone explain why I can't select an existing variable? Even if I create a new variable it doesn't use it or allow me to select it.
I can't set up my flow to receive a return value from an invocablemethod. :(
I'm building an Apex class named Temp that contains an invocablemethod named performApproval. It returns a return code and string message through a custom object:
global without sharing class Temp { @InvocableMethod public static List<Apex_Result__c> performApproval(List<MyInvocableVariables> myVariablesList) { List<Apex_Result__c> resultList = new List<Apex_Result__c>(); Apex_Result__c result = new Apex_Result__c(); result.Return_Code__c = 1; result.Message__c = 'Testing'; resultList.Add(result); return resultList; } global class MyInvocableVariables { @InvocableVariable(label='Opp ID' required=true) global Id oppID; } }I call the method from a flow, and I defined an SObject collection variable named Results to receive the results of the call. However, when I attempt to specify that the method's output should go into that variable I only get the option to create a new variable:
Can anyone explain why I can't select an existing variable? Even if I create a new variable it doesn't use it or allow me to select it.
Now in my flow when I go to specify a variable to receive the output from the performApproval method I see Results (which is an SObject Collection Variable based on my custom Apex_Results__c object) in the list.
How are you doing to return resultList (line 10) which is a list whereas your fonction returns a list of list (line 3) ?
I would like do the same. My goal is to use an @InvocableMethod to pass a text as input and return a list of string as output.
Thanks a lot for your help.