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Kalpesh Vyas 14
Lightning component developer guide
I am following examples from Lightning COmponent developer guide, but looks like all style and design are missing there? When I am trying simple examples these all show very odd? Any suggestion what needs to be followed?
for example If I follow these examples,
it shows everything looks in very bad UI most of thing don't render as expected.
for example I am just using below code :
for example If I follow these examples,
it shows everything looks in very bad UI most of thing don't render as expected.
for example I am just using below code :
<aura:component > <aura:attribute name="myTitle" type="String" default="My Card Title"/> BreadCrumb: <lightning:breadcrumbs > <lightning:breadcrumb label="Parent Account" href=""/> <lightning:breadcrumb label="Case" href=""/> </lightning:breadcrumbs> <lightning:icon iconName="utility:error" variant="error"/> Avatar : <lightning:avatar src="{!$Resource.Images + '/Images/lightning.png'}" initials="Sa" fallbackIconName="standard:account" alternativeText="Salesforce"/> <lightning:pill label="hello pill" onremove="{! c.handleRemoveOnly }" onclick="{! c.handleClick }"> <aura:set attribute="media"> <lightning:icon iconName="standard:account" alternativeText="Account"/> </aura:set> </lightning:pill> 3 <lightning:card title="{!v.myTitle}" footer="Card Footer"> <aura:set attribute="actions"> <lightning:button label="New"/> </aura:set> <p class="slds-p-horizontal--small"> Card Body (custom component) </p> </lightning:card> <div class="c-container"> <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="end" verticalAlign="center"> <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small"> <lightning:formattedNumber value="12.34" style="currency" currencyCode="EUR" currencyDisplayAs="symbol"/> </lightning:layoutItem> <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small"> <lightning:input type="number" name="percentVal" label="Enter a percentage value" formatter="percent" step="0.01" /> </lightning:layoutItem> <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small"> <lightning:input type="number" name="currencyVal" label="Enter a dollar amount" formatter="currency" step="0.01" /> </lightning:layoutItem> <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small"> 4 </lightning:layoutItem> </lightning:layout> </div> <lightning:button label="Toggle" variant="brand" onclick="{!c.toggle}"/> <div class="exampleHolder"> <lightning:spinner aura:id="mySpinner" /> </div> <form> <fieldset> <legend>Select your favorite color:</legend> <lightning:input type="checkbox" label="Red" name="color1" value="1" aura:id="colors"/> <lightning:input type="checkbox" label="Blue" name="color2" value="2" aura:id="colors"/> <lightning:input type="checkbox" label="Green" name="color3" value="3" aura:id="colors"/> </fieldset> <lightning:tabset> <lightning:tab onactive="{! c.handleActive }" label="Tab 1" id="tab1" /> <lightning:tab onactive="{! c.handleActive }" label="Tab 2" id="tab2" /> </lightning:tabset> </form> </aura:component>
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