function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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Josh Gruberman 12Josh Gruberman 12 

Account Reviewer Profile

This Trailhead: says to remove all permissions except Read from Account, which I am trying to do but Contacts keeps automatically checking when I check Account permissions.  Is there something I'm missing?
Vaishali TrailblazeVaishali Trailblaze
Hi Josh,

Account and Contact share Master-Detail relation - Account being the master.
The child object inherits the sharing settings of the parent. 

If you navigate to Setup -> Security Controls -> Sharing Settings you'll see the sharing setting for Contact says "Controlled by Parent".

Additonally here ( a detailed answer to a question of similar sorts.

Josh Gruberman 12Josh Gruberman 12
So if they share a relationship, how can I undo that relationship to fulfill the requirement of this particular Trailhead quiz?
Vaishali TrailblazeVaishali Trailblaze
Hi Josh,

I just tried doing this and was able to create a new profile with only Read permission for Account -
User-added image

I even completed that trailhead challenge..

Josh Gruberman 12Josh Gruberman 12
Strange. I cloned the Read Only profile and the permissions wouldn't allow me to unchecked Contact without Account automatically unchecking. Then if I tried to check Account, it automatically checked Contact. How did you create the profile?
Vaishali TrailblazeVaishali Trailblaze
Went to Profiles list view from under "Manage Users" and clicked on "New Profile" choosing "Read Only" as Existing Profile.