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IX Salesforce AdminIX Salesforce Admin 

Send email using a custom button


we are trying to send an email using a custom button. The email is intended for a specific email address. This is the code we are using:

var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage(); 

message.setToAddresses = '';
message.plainTextBody = 'It would be so awesome if this worked.';
message.setCcAddresses = '';
message.setBccAddresses = '';
message.setSubject = 'Data upload report';

var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]); 

unfortunately this is the error message we are getting.


what are we doing wrong?

Thank you.
IX Salesforce AdminIX Salesforce Admin
I apologize, this is the code:

var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage(); 

message.ToAddresses = '';
message.plainTextBody = 'It would be so awesome if this worked.';
message.CcAddresses = '';
message.BccAddresses = '';
message.Subject = 'Data upload report';

var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]); 

Krishnamoorthi PeriasamyKrishnamoorthi Periasamy
Krishnamoorthi PeriasamyKrishnamoorthi Periasamy
or see this
IX Salesforce AdminIX Salesforce Admin
Hello Krishnamoorti,

thank you for the reply. Both examples are explaining how to use a template, I am trying to avoid this. Can't I simply define recepients, subject and body?