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Nertin HoxhaNertin Hoxha 

Error, Opportunity String Id too long !

Using the NPSP.
When i submit a donation from a web form to salesforce using a click and pledge integrated platform; it creates a correct account and contact but gives me error on the opportunity record creation.
User-added image
Guess sasesforce concatenates to the click and pledge id his own generated id. 
How can i overcome this error ? is there a workaround?
Best Answer chosen by Nertin Hoxha
Daniel BallingerDaniel Ballinger
Quoting from Salesforce StackExchange post (
The error you are seeing is due to the instance being on an old release. The new forms use a 64 character WID and the old release had only 18 character limit on WID.

We need to update all your clients as soon as possible.

Please see the release note: Salesforce PaaS 9.7010: Compatibility Release for Connect 2

All Answers

Rahul KumarRahul Kumar (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Nertin,

may I request you to please refer the below link for String Id too long. I hope it will be helpful.

Best Regards
Rahul Kumar
Nertin HoxhaNertin Hoxha
Thank you Rahul. I found the problem was of the click and pledge . They had to update version.
Daniel BallingerDaniel Ballinger
Quoting from Salesforce StackExchange post (
The error you are seeing is due to the instance being on an old release. The new forms use a 64 character WID and the old release had only 18 character limit on WID.

We need to update all your clients as soon as possible.

Please see the release note: Salesforce PaaS 9.7010: Compatibility Release for Connect 2
This was selected as the best answer