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Amita Tatar
pass selected checkbox field labels to a text area field
Hi all,
I have a VF page where i have displayed sObject labels dynamically on this VF page. These field labels are associated with checkboxes.
I want that whichever checkboxes are selected , there labels should get stored in a text area field at the backend.
I will paste my code below. Please help me for the same.
Amita Tatar
I have a VF page where i have displayed sObject labels dynamically on this VF page. These field labels are associated with checkboxes.
I want that whichever checkboxes are selected , there labels should get stored in a text area field at the backend.
I will paste my code below. Please help me for the same.
APEX CLASS:::: public class getLabel{ public List<WrapperClass> listWrapper {get;set;} public Map<String,String> labelMap; public String resultString {get;set;} public getLabel(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { listWrapper = new List<WrapperClass>(); labelMap = new Map<String,String>(); labelMap = retLabelMap('ProposalFields__c'); for(String s : labelMap.values()){ listWrapper.add(new WrapperClass(s,false)); } } public class WrapperClass { public Boolean checkBool {get;set;} public String fieldNme{get;set;} public WrapperClass(String prop,Boolean checkBool ){ this.fieldNme = prop; this.checkBool = checkBool ; } } public Static Map<String,String> retLabelMap(String type){ Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> m = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); Schema.SObjectType s= m.get(type); Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = s.getDescribe().fields.getMap(); Map<String,String> aMap = new Map<String,String>(); for (String fieldName: fieldMap.keySet()) { aMap.put(fieldName,fieldMap.get(fieldName).getDescribe().getLabel()); } return aMap; } public void saveCheckboxValue(){ Proposal_Form__c p = new Proposal_Form__c(); p.Fields_Associated__c = resultString; insert p; } public PageReference getSelected(){ return null; } } VF PAGE: <apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="Proposal_Form__c" extensions="getLabel"> <apex:form > <style> .panelWrapper .mainTitle { text-align :center; } </style> <apex:outputPanel styleClass="panelWrapper" layout="block"> <apex:pageBlock title="Proposal Form"> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Service Requirements"> <apex:inputField value="{!Proposal_Form__c.Service_Family__c}"/> <apex:inputfield value="{!Proposal_Form__c.Service_Type__c}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!Proposal_Form__c.Sub_Service_Category__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:pageBlockButtons location="Bottom"> <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Available fields"> <apex:repeat var="lab" value="{!listWrapper}"> <apex:pageblockSectionItem > <apex:outputlabel value="{!lab.fieldNme}"/> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!lab.checkBool}"/> </apex:pageblockSectionItem> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:form> </apex:page>Thanks,
Amita Tatar
listWrapper = new List<WrapperClass>();
labelMap = new Map<String,String>();
labelMap = retLabelMap('ProposalFields__c');
for(String s : labelMap.values()){
listWrapper.add(new WrapperClass(s,false));
Trysorting the list which you are displaying