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Gowri Karanam
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Could not find the 'Reassign Accounts' flow in the Lightning Page.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Could not find the 'Reassign Accounts' flow in the Lightning Page.
I have checked everything more than twice and this problem persists in 2 challenges with flow. Can some one please look at the screen shots and tell me what i am doing wrong? The flow works correct. It has reassigned the account owners. The problem is, even when the page is showing up on the sales app, this error message is popping up. This also happened with another challenge with flow in the same trail.
I have checked everything more than twice and this problem persists in 2 challenges with flow. Can some one please look at the screen shots and tell me what i am doing wrong? The flow works correct. It has reassigned the account owners. The problem is, even when the page is showing up on the sales app, this error message is popping up. This also happened with another challenge with flow in the same trail.
Hello Gawri Karanam,
I had the same issue and took lot of time to understand the root cause.
From your screenshot, I could see that lightning app name space is "Blobus" and that is the problem.
I had namespace enabled in my org and i exported the flow into another trailhead environment where namespaces are not enabled and was able to successfully complete this badge. :-) Hope this is helpful for you.