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Raghu Ch 2Raghu Ch 2 

content of the attachment not getting loaded while using bulk api


I am trying to load attachment to salesforce using bulk api. As mentioned in the docs, i specified the request .txt as below in the root of the zipped folder:
    "Name" : "Test.pdf",
    "ParentId" : "001U000000sRM7dIAG",
    "Body" : "#Test.pdf"

But when the file is being loaded into salesforce, the body is being loaded as string (Test) but not as path. Content of the attachment is not getting loaded.Is there a way to specify the file path in json key-value pair? or does the bullk api for loading binary attachments work only with .csv format or xm format?
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Raghu,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

Yes, I hope that it is supported as per the below documentation.
May I suggest you please refer to the below link for more information. Hope this helps.
