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Bartosz Dec
Lightning Rollout Specialist Superbadge Challenge 7: Unhandled exception BAD_REQUEST
Looks like Challenge 7 is not working for me.. I tried with 2 separated Playgrounds from the scratch and it still fails with weird error, even though I think I've done everything right. I have no idea what else I should try.
Error message:
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: GFXKWRGA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: BAD_REQUEST: Specify a valid value for the source parameter.
Error message:
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: GFXKWRGA. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: BAD_REQUEST: Specify a valid value for the source parameter.
Ok, I figured it out - just create brand new trailhead playground, just for this challange. Looks like the issue is somehow connected to the fact that it changed to Winter 18 editon. If you create new playground that is already W'18 it should be ok.
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Ok, I figured it out - just create brand new trailhead playground, just for this challange. Looks like the issue is somehow connected to the fact that it changed to Winter 18 editon. If you create new playground that is already W'18 it should be ok.
Ok I try later and let you know, thanks for the help!
@Bartosz Dec
Thank you, it worked!
Hi @Aneske,
yes I created a new playground just for this challenge: if you use an already existing playground you'll get an unhandled exception.
"There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: QSOPHKYZ. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: BAD_REQUEST: Specify a valid value for the source parameter"
I tried creating a new playground and developer org as well, but no luck.
Tried with multiple orgs but same result. Please help
I get this with any org I try as well. If I start a new playground I check it and it says at first, no report found. I think this is a good sign and start in on doing what is needed only for this challenge. Create the report and dashboard and folders for each, but I do nothing with installing the package and playing with adding the chart to the lightning page. When I check I get the bad request error.
How would we check the ID referenced? I have to assume this is a TH issue and not something we are doing wrong. Please help us out if you know whats doing. Anyone :)
'There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: GUDLEJLR. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: BAD_REQUEST: Specify a valid value for the source parameter.'
I have created brand new Trailhead PlayGround and checked with it, but still I m getting this Error! Any Other Solution?
Unfortunatelly, I have nothing more - what I did was just to create new playground, install unmaganed package and compleate the challange. With new playground I only got challange-related errors, nothing trailhead/environmental like this.
I tried to submit feedback to Trailhead on this but the ignored me. Does anyone know a way to reach them, other than 'submit feedback' button?
Please Salesforce fix this...
That´s what I get for Step #7 any help would be appreciated....Cannot think of any more actions, I´m stuck.
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: LYQBIXIF. Error: Faraday::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: Invalid Action Name: Fulfillment__c.New_Expedition_Leader_Case
Need Help on urgent basis...