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kristian fraser 8kristian fraser 8 

set up single sign-on for your developer edition - Trailhead

Hi All,

Im a little stuck on an error i am recieving in this Trail. I have successfully set up and logged in with SSO based on the steps but i still get this error and i cant seem to see why?

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Could not find SAML Enabled in your org's setup audit trail. Make sure that you have 'SAML Enabled' checked under 'Federated Single Sign-On Using SAML' in your org's 'Single Sign-On Settings'.
Best Answer chosen by kristian fraser 8

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This was selected as the best answer
kristian fraser 8kristian fraser 8

If my answer helped you then please mark it as 'Best Answer' and solved this question.
If you still have any doubt please do let me know.

Thank you