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Sudipta Ghosh 9Sudipta Ghosh 9 

Einstein Vision - Not able to create a Dataset

I tried to create the dataset in Einstein Vision by downloading the from and uploaded it to the google drive.
The google drive link for the folder is
The dataset is created and trained successfully .

Similarly I created a zip for Car and uploaded it to the google drive.
The link is :

During Training it's getting falied. is there any specific folder structure to create a dataset. I have just created 3 folders with lebels and putted images under it.

NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sudipta,

Sorry for this issue you are encountering.

May I suggest you please check with below Salesforce help document which might help you further with the above requirement. Please let us know if this helps.

Sudipta Ghosh 9Sudipta Ghosh 9
Hi Nagendra,

I have again followed the steps but no luck.

When I using getting error "Response finished with Error: File content must be provided in one of the supported file formats: [zip, octet-stream, jpeg, png, binary]"

But using a similar link which creats dataset successfully.

I am using EinsteinVision_Dataset createDatasetFromUrlAsync(String url) method 

Leo Zhu 4Leo Zhu 4
Hi Sudipta,    
Just to be sure I understood correctly,   right now you are having two separate issues.
For dataset1 : (   (  you can upload  successfully but you can not train it .

For dataet2: (  it throws error when you upload.   There could be other issues which I will get back to you after more investigation, but first you need at least 10 examples per label for your image dataset.   We will update our doc to reflect that.    
Sudipta Ghosh 9Sudipta Ghosh 9
Thank you Leo. Ultimately solved the issue and figued out that we need atleast 40 images for the dataset.
Manisha Kumari 39Manisha Kumari 39
Hi Sudipto Ghosh, could you please help me on creating the Zip file. since when i am trying to create Dataset i am getting error : File Format not supported. I am able to get the zip file url as : but not able to get in this format: Could you please help in this.
Sudipta Ghosh 9Sudipta Ghosh 9
HI Manisha,

So, when I click on your first link its open me the but not the second link where I am geeting below error. That's might be gdrive security setting issue.
This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

I recommend to use cURL for dataset creation
Create a Dataset From a Zip File Synchronously (

 Install cURL:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <<your token>>" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "data=@C:\Users\sudipta@l!$a\Desktop\My Cars\" -F "type=image"
                [ Path of the zip file : Put the path of the zip file stored locally]
Manisha Kumari 39Manisha Kumari 39
Hi Sudipta,

Thanks for your help. I was able to able to create data set. I have more query in Einstein vision Image prediction as far as i understand it can recorgnise the image with which category it belongs. But my question here is can it read letter/digit quoted on the image also?