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M'Henni KoroghliM'Henni Koroghli 

BLTGPVFI trailhead error


I'm beginner with Salesforce. I have this message error when trying to check a challenge : 
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: BLTGPVFI" 

Could you help me, please ? 

This is because you didn't do all the coding that is required in the challenge. Review the instructions carefully
M'Henni KoroghliM'Henni Koroghli
Hello Kevin,
I have  enabled the new Showing compact layout in the Record Type Overrides section of the layout assignment editor and the error have changed to :  IXVJCVSC 
Do you see why ? 
M'Henni KoroghliM'Henni Koroghli
Hello Kevin, I have enabled the new Showing compact layout in the Record Type Overrides section of the layout assignment editor and the error have changed to : IXVJCVSC Do you see why ? Thanks for your help!
Are you using the trailhead playground or a DE or your own org?
Can you send me the url to the trailhead that you are doing
M'Henni KoroghliM'Henni Koroghli
Hello Kevin, Thank you for your response 😊 I’m using trailhead playground. The URL is : Regards, M’henni.
the challenge worked for me. Did you assign the compact layout to the record type from the previous challenge

User-added imageUser-added image
M'Henni KoroghliM'Henni Koroghli
Yes, i have done this (see the image below) : [cid:image002.jpg@01D3653D.D1F19FC0] Regards, M’henni
Ok then I suggest you use the Trailhead forum link at the bottom right of the Trailhead and log your issue there as it seems to be a technical issue on your end. The Trailhead support forum is monitored by the Salesforce Trailhead Admin/Development teams and they might be able apply a fix.
M'Henni KoroghliM'Henni Koroghli
Ok, thank you kevin for your help 😊 Regards, M’henni