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Somasundaram S 1
test class covered 82% but...
HI All
could you please advise me about test case i wrote for the the below test class and when i run it shows it covered 82% but am not convinced, the trigger code has after update,after insert, after delete and after undelte , in all i just getting the id of child and parent then i am collectiing child record then getting sum and then updateing the parent field.
in below test class i just inserted what are the record need for the code but it shows 82% code coverage , for prod move this is fine but my query is how come it covered 82& i didnt do anything for after update after delete undelete and also didnt get sum and update
could you please advise me
test class
could you please advise me about test case i wrote for the the below test class and when i run it shows it covered 82% but am not convinced, the trigger code has after update,after insert, after delete and after undelte , in all i just getting the id of child and parent then i am collectiing child record then getting sum and then updateing the parent field.
in below test class i just inserted what are the record need for the code but it shows 82% code coverage , for prod move this is fine but my query is how come it covered 82& i didnt do anything for after update after delete undelete and also didnt get sum and update
could you please advise me
trigger quantityleft on Sample_Transaction__c ( after INSERT, after UPDATE, after DELETE, after UNDELETE ) { List<Sample_Lot__c> list_lot= new List<Sample_Lot__c>(); Set<Id> set_transaction = new Set<Id>(); Decimal Sum = 0; if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUndelete ){ for( Sample_Transaction__c objOpp: ) { if( objOpp.Completed_Transaction__c == TRUE ){ set_transaction.add( objOpp.Parent_id__c ); } } } if( Trigger.isUpdate ) { for( Sample_Transaction__c objOpp: ) { if( objOpp.Completed_Transaction__c == TRUE ) { set_transaction.add( objOpp.Parent_id__c ); } } } if( Trigger.isdelete ) { for( Sample_Transaction__c objOpp: Trigger.old ) { if( objOpp.Completed_Transaction__c == TRUE ) { set_transaction.add( objOpp.Parent_id__c ); } } } List<Sample_Transaction__c> sampleTransactionRecords = new List<Sample_Transaction__c>(); sampleTransactionRecords = [ SELECT Id ,Sample_Lot_ID__c ,Transaction_Quantity__c, Completed_Transaction__c FROM Sample_Transaction__c WHERE Parent_id__c = :set_transaction ]; List<String> sampleLotIds = new List<String>(); for( Sample_Transaction__c sampleTransaction : sampleTransactionRecords ) { sampleLotIds.add( sampleTransaction.Sample_Lot_ID__c ); } List<Sample_Lot__c> sampleLotRecords = new List<Sample_Lot__c>(); sampleLotRecords = [ SELECT Id ,Name ,Quantity_Left__c FROM Sample_Lot__c WHERE Id IN :set_transaction ]; Map<String,Sample_Lot__c> mapOfSampleLots = new Map<String,Sample_Lot__c>(); for( Sample_Lot__c sampleLot : sampleLotRecords ) { mapOfSampleLots.put( sampleLot.Id, sampleLot ); } if( !set_transaction.isEmpty() ) { List<Sample_Lot__c> sampleLotsToUpdate = new List<Sample_Lot__c>(); for( Sample_Transaction__c sample_transaction : sampleTransactionRecords ) { if( sample_transaction.Completed_Transaction__c == TRUE ) { Sum += sample_transaction.Transaction_Quantity__c; } } } for( Sample_Lot__c samplelots : sampleLotRecords ) { samplelots.Quantity_left__c=Sum; } UPDATE sampleLotRecords; }
test class
@isTest public class testquantityleft{ static testmethod void triggerTest(){ // create account Account accountOb= new Account(); accountOb.Firstname='name'; accountOb.LastName='1'; accountOb.Credentials__c='MD'; accountOb.SLN__c='123'; accountOb.Specialty_1__c='heart'; Map <String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordTypeMap = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); //Account accountObj = new Account(); // = 'Test Record Type'; if(recordTypeMap.containsKey('Reckitt Person Account')) { accountOb.RecordTypeId= recordTypeMap.get('Reckitt Person Account').getRecordTypeId(); } insert accountOb; // create address Address__c address = new Address__c(); address.Account__c =; //Map <String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordTypeMap1 = Address__c.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); //if(recordTypeMap1.containsKey('Reckitt Address')) { //address .RecordTypeId= recordTypeMap.get('Reckitt Address').getRecordTypeId(); //} address.Name='somaaddress'; insert address; // create product Product__c prod = new Product__c(); ='test'; insert prod; Sample_Lot__c lot=new Sample_Lot__c(); lot.Name='test lot';; lot.Confirmed_Quantity__c=600; lot.Quantity_Left__c=0; insert lot; // create sample transaction Sample_Transaction__c stransac = new Sample_Transaction__c(); stransac.Account_ID__c =; stransac; stransac .Quantity__c =100; stransac; stransac; insert stransac ; Sample_Transaction__c stransac1 = new Sample_Transaction__c(); stransac1.Account_ID__c =; stransac1; stransac1 .Quantity__c =100; stransac1; stransac1; Map <String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordTypeMap2 = Sample_Transaction__c.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); if(recordTypeMap2.containsKey('Reckitt Receipt')) { stransac1 .RecordTypeId= recordTypeMap2.get('Reckitt Receipt').getRecordTypeId(); } insert stransac1 ; } }
- please check for Test Class Generator App from APP Exchange.Please refer the below link.
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I hope it will be helpful.Please mark it as best answer if the information is informative.
Best Regards
Rahul Kumar