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smitha george 5
Trigger to update account field
1). Account object has a custom string field named acFieldOne
2). Contact object has a custom string field named coFieldOne
How to write a trigger, such that any time a Contact is created, the coFieldOne field on the Contact, is stamped with the value in the acFieldOne field on the Account ?
Thanks in Advance.
1). Account object has a custom string field named acFieldOne
2). Contact object has a custom string field named coFieldOne
How to write a trigger, such that any time a Contact is created, the coFieldOne field on the Contact, is stamped with the value in the acFieldOne field on the Account ?
Thanks in Advance.
Id accId = [SELECT Id,AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id IN:].AccountId;
Account acc=[SElECT acFieldOne__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: accId];
String value=acc.acFieldOne__c;
Contact con = [Select Id,coFieldOne__c FROM Contact WHERE Id IN:];
update con;
All Answers
I believe you can do this with workflows with field update as well. Any particular reason you want to go with Triggers?
Please see below a sample where contact address is updated from account address.
Hope this helps
Id accId = [SELECT Id,AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id IN:].AccountId;
Account acc=[SElECT acFieldOne__c FROM Account WHERE Id =: accId];
String value=acc.acFieldOne__c;
Contact con = [Select Id,coFieldOne__c FROM Contact WHERE Id IN:];
update con;