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Ghulam Chaudhary
Create an API
Hi everyone,
Its my first time when I am creating an REST API to create a case from a third party application( MyItemApp) based on MyItemApp's Fields (like Item Id,Merchant Id).
When we get Item Id and Merchant Id it will create a case in salesforce.
my code is below but I am unable to do it please help me....
global class Paytm_SellerPanel_CaseCreation{
global static string message;
global static string Paytm_SellerPanel_CaseCreation()
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;
string RespBody=RestContext.request.requestBody.tostring().trim();
system.debug('respbody '+respbody);
records deserializedBody =(records)JSON.deserialize(RespBody, records.class);
system.debug('deserializedBody '+deserializedBody);
system.debug('message new'+message);
return message;
global class records{
public string timestamp{get;set;}
public String addcat_id{get;set;}
public list<fields> fields{get;set;}
public string merchant_id{get;set;}
public string item_id{get;set;}
public List<fields> fields;
public class fields
public string ApiName{get;set;}
public string label{get;set;}
public string value{get;set;}
public string datatype{get;set;}
public static string createcase(records CasRecords)
string uploadOn='';
// string message;
string out='true';
string chk='';
string teamName='';
string TemplateName='';
boolean CaseMgm=true;
system.debug('CasRecords '+CasRecords);
please help me if possible
Its my first time when I am creating an REST API to create a case from a third party application( MyItemApp) based on MyItemApp's Fields (like Item Id,Merchant Id).
When we get Item Id and Merchant Id it will create a case in salesforce.
my code is below but I am unable to do it please help me....
global class Paytm_SellerPanel_CaseCreation{
global static string message;
global static string Paytm_SellerPanel_CaseCreation()
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;
string RespBody=RestContext.request.requestBody.tostring().trim();
system.debug('respbody '+respbody);
records deserializedBody =(records)JSON.deserialize(RespBody, records.class);
system.debug('deserializedBody '+deserializedBody);
system.debug('message new'+message);
return message;
global class records{
public string timestamp{get;set;}
public String addcat_id{get;set;}
public list<fields> fields{get;set;}
public string merchant_id{get;set;}
public string item_id{get;set;}
public List<fields> fields;
public class fields
public string ApiName{get;set;}
public string label{get;set;}
public string value{get;set;}
public string datatype{get;set;}
public static string createcase(records CasRecords)
string uploadOn='';
// string message;
string out='true';
string chk='';
string teamName='';
string TemplateName='';
boolean CaseMgm=true;
system.debug('CasRecords '+CasRecords);
please help me if possible