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Shawn KurugantiShawn Kuruganti 

Trouble Downloading the Axiom Identity Provider Certificate for the SSO trailhead module

Perhaps this has already been answered elsewhere, but I am having some trouble with the "Set Up Single Sing-On for Your Internal Users" challenge in trailhead.

It seems that everytime I download the Axiom ID Provider Cert from the trailhead link here:

I cannot actually access the file from the "choose file" button in the "SAML Single Sign-On Settings" when creating a new SAML SSO Setting in my Salesforce Setup.

I am using a mac-book pro that is about five years old and I can't actually see the file in my downloads or my documents on my computer either. Instead my macbook keeps opening a "key chain" when I click the file at the bottom of my browser. I am using google chrome incognito.

Anyone here know what is going on?

Best Answer chosen by Shawn Kuruganti
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 

When we click on the download it is asking to add in login or system in your dropdown I think you need to add to System then you will be able to choose file.

Hope this helps you!

If this helps you mark it as solved.

Thanks and Regards