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prasanth sfdcprasanth sfdc 

how to clear Send Email Cache in lightning - URGENT

  I am facing this issue.  Once i sent email to a person ( in case record from "Email" quick action then if i click on again "Email" quick action the "To address" is autopoluating the email address which i have already sent mail earlier ( Is there any way to remove this cache issue ? . Please help. Even after refreshing the case record page also this "To address" is not getting empty.

I have tried with new Email quick action with predefined field at To address like "custom_email__c" but, even the "custom_email__c" is changing the value then the "To address" in email action is not changing. Kindly help. 

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prasanth sfdcprasanth sfdc
Thank you for your response. But i want to update the To Address with new values which are entered in custom_email__c. This step is not happening due to caching issue. Could u please try once and let me know? 😁