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Abby Stocker
APEX TEST CLASS (aurorahandledexception)
I am hoping someone can help me :(
I have a test class that just keeps failing and I do now know what is wrong? When I run the test class, this is the error I get:
"System.AuraHandledException: Script-thrown exception" and the stack trace: Class.CaseFileFormServerController.insertCasesFile: line 56, column 1
Class.CaseFileFormServerControllerTest.insertCasesFileTest: line 55, column 1
Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!
I have a test class that just keeps failing and I do now know what is wrong? When I run the test class, this is the error I get:
"System.AuraHandledException: Script-thrown exception" and the stack trace: Class.CaseFileFormServerController.insertCasesFile: line 56, column 1
Class.CaseFileFormServerControllerTest.insertCasesFileTest: line 55, column 1
Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!
@IsTest public class CaseFileFormServerControllerTest { @TestSetup private static void setupTestData() { Case mockCase = new Case(); insert MockCase; Case_File__c mockCaseFile = new Case_File__c( Case__c = mockCase.Id, Department__c = 'Logistics'); insert mockCaseFile; ContentDocumentSelectorTest.createMockContentDocument(); } private static testmethod void linkFileToCaseFile_success() { Id mockDocumentId = fetchContentDocumentId(); Id mockCaseFileId = fetchMockCaseFileId(); Id caseId = fetchCaseId(); String result = CaseFileFormServerController.linkFileToCaseFile(mockDocumentId, mockCaseFileId); System.assertEquals('SUCCESS', result, 'An exception was caught: ' + result); } private static testmethod void linkFileToCaseFile_exceptionWasCaught() { Id mockAccountId = Id.valueOf('0014B00000WUh5tQAD'); Id mockCaseFileId = fetchMockCaseFileId(); Id caseId = fetchCaseId(); String result = CaseFileFormServerController.linkFileToCaseFile(mockAccountId, mockCaseFileId); System.assert(result.contains('Exception:'), 'No exception was caught'); } private static testmethod void insertCasesFileTest() { test.startTest(); PricebookTestDataGenerator.generatePriceBookData(); Id priceBookEntryId = [SELECT Id FROM PricebookEntry LIMIT 1].Id; Id product2Id = [SELECT Id FROM Product2].Id; Account account = new Account(Name = 'Test Account'); INSERT account; Order__c order1 = new Order__c(AccountId__c = account.Id); INSERT order1; Order_Line__c orderLine1 = new Order_Line__c(); orderLine1.Order__c = order1.Id; orderLine1.Quantity__c = 1; orderLine1.Salesperson__c = UserInfo.getUserId(); orderLine1.Product2Id__c = product2Id; INSERT orderLine1; Id mockDocumentId = fetchContentDocumentId(); Id mockCaseFileId = fetchMockCaseFileId(); Id caseId = fetchCaseId(); List<ContentDocument> mockDocument = [SELECT Id, Title FROM ContentDocument LIMIT 1]; CaseFileFormServerController.insertCasesFile('Test',String.valueOf(caseId),'00022334','Driver',orderLine1.Id,'Product Damage','','Stone Cracked/Chipped','Test',mockDocument); test.stopTest(); // System.assertEquals('SUCCESS', result, 'An exception was caught: ' + result); } public static Id fetchContentDocumentId() { ContentDocument mockDocument = [SELECT Id, Title FROM ContentDocument LIMIT 1]; System.assertNotEquals(null, mockDocument, 'Mock document came in as null'); return mockDocument.Id; } public static Id fetchMockCaseFileId() { Case_File__c mockCaseFile = [SELECT Id, Case__c, Department__c FROM Case_File__c LIMIT 1]; System.assertNotEquals(null, mockCaseFile, 'Mock case file came in as null'); return mockCaseFile.Id; } public static Id fetchCaseId() { Case mockCase = [SELECT Id, CaseNumber FROM Case LIMIT 1]; System.assertNotEquals(null, mockCase, 'Mock case came in as null'); return mockCase.Id; } }
You can use the try catch to avoid this test failure: