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FOR MY FOR MULA FIELD I CREATED A PICKLIST FIELD i.e Donated_above_10k__c where its values is yes,no,may be

According to my formula 
yes--->image1 display
no--->image 2
may be --->images 3
All images are uploaded in sratic resource

Here is the formula

CONTACT( Donated_above_10k__c ,
“Yes”, IMAGE("", "Yes", 100, 100),
“No”, IMAGE(“”,”No”,16,16),
“IDK”, IMAGE(“”,”IDK”,16,16),
ShivankurShivankur (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Vicky,

You can use something like this
  IF(ISPICKVAL(Donated_above_10k__c, "Yes"), "resource/1622553334000/GoldenBadge",
      IF(ISPICKVAL(Donated_above_10k__c, "No"), "resource/1622540671000/QuickCase2",
          IF(ISPICKVAL(Donated_above_10k__c, "IDK"), "resource/1622563356000/gg")

Or you can also try out the case formula that will be much more easier
"Yes", "resource/1622553334000/GoldenBadge",
"No", "resource/1622540671000/QuickCase2",
"IDK", "resource/1622563356000/gg")
Refer to similar thread here:

Hope above information helps. Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in future.

Hi Shivankur,

It didn't worked for me 

But there is one alternative approach throgh which i got the answer

I created a checkbox and the write this formula text--- ----------------------------------->IF(Checkbox__c, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_500.gif", "Five Stars"), IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_000.gif", "No Rating") )

For Images i used in formula field  go to below link :
Suraj Tripathi 47Suraj Tripathi 47
Hi Vikas,

The syntax for using the image in the formula field is-
IMAGE(image URL, alternate text, height, width)
image URL - It is the URL of the image.
alternate text - The text which shows if the image not load.
height - Height of the image.
width - Width of the image.
Please use the above syntax to implement the formula for the image.

If you find your Solution then mark this as the best answer. 

Thank you!

Suraj Tripathi
grdg grfdgfgrdg grfdgf
There are two questions that are in my miond ether  you need a simple image code or a responsive image code if you need both then see here on this website (
jshery grfgfvdjshery grfgfvd
I think you need to understand it fist and for that you can visit here ( hopefully it will help you to solve the issue.
Lynn ButlerLynn Butler
In your new custom field, enter the image URL into your formula field using the "IMAGE" function. In the text area, enter your formula using the "IMAGE" function to retrieve the image file you uploaded.

indigocard  (
smith shawnsmith shawn
I will use this method to display images on my website "". I tried a lot of methods to show images but all in vain. Now it is my only hope to show images on my website. 
dani danielsdani daniels
Hi there, I am facing an issue in uploading images on agwhatsapp ( Whenever I upload an image it got blurred. Kindly get through this and provide some honest opinions.
Dani Daniels
jhon Emeliajhon Emelia
There are two questions that come to mind: do you need a basic picture code or do you need a responsive image code? If you need both, go to
jhon Emeliajhon Emelia
There are two questions that come to mind: do you need a basic picture code or do you need a responsive image code? If you need both, go to
The TechieThe Techie