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Deepak Panda 5Deepak Panda 5 

my button is another component and input field is another component when click the button display the error below input field using aura id ? plz help

PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Deepak,

Try with the following steps:- 
1. Add a validation message below the input tag and display it conditionally based on a Boolean

2. Based on the button set the Boolean to true and pass that value to first component through an event

3. And display the message

If you meet your requirement, Please mark it as best answer.


Priya Ranjan

Deepak Panda 5Deepak Panda 5
can u join google meet 
Deepak Panda 5Deepak Panda 5
plz for 5 min
marcum harrisonmarcum harrison
Hello Priya, I tried the step guide you have given but it didn't work. Do you have any other option or alternative guide for this setup? If you have available time today, please do a video call with me. I will wait for your reply here today and while I am doing that, I will play pinochle card game on pc ( here to lessen my boredom. At the same time, I will start to download flutter for windows ( here and install it on my computer.