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Aswin B SAswin B S 

sforce not defined

I am trying to send a response to chat from code using the sendMessage method. 
This is the syntax:, message:String, callback:Function)
I have also included <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/52.0/integration.js"/>
Still I am getting error while runing LIVE AGENT: Error: ReferenceError: sforce is not defined
ShivankurShivankur (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Aswin,

Please try to check by modifying the includescript line like below:
<script src="/support/console/52.0/integration.js" type="text/javascript"/>
Check if it works for you.

Hope above information helps. Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in future.

Aswin B SAswin B S
@Shivankur, thanks for the reply. I tried this and still getting the error.