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Matt MetrosMatt Metros 

Mock HTTP Call Out In Test to Return XML

Hello Everybody. I am very new to HTTP Callouts and now I am in the testing phase. My HTTP Callout returns XML

This is the link. I input a company already, soulcycle, in case anybody wanted to see what was being returned from the HTTP Request.

Anyways, here is my Apex Class:
public with sharing class getRSSFeed {

	public static List<Map<String,String>> getCompanyRSSFeed(String url, String recordID) {
		String recordName = getRecordName(recordID);

		List<Map<String,String>> newsArticles = search(url, recordName);

		return newsArticles;
	public static String getRecordName(String recordID)
		String accountRecordID = recordID;
		return [SELECT Name From Account WHERE ID = : accountRecordID limit 1].Name;

	public static  List<Map<String,String>> search(String remoteSiteURL, String query)
		String url = remoteSiteURL + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(query, 'UTF-8');

		Http h = new Http();
	    HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
	    HttpResponse res = h.send(req);

	    while (res.getStatusCode() == 302) {
		    res = new Http().send(req);

	    Dom.Document doc = res.getBodyDocument();
	    Dom.XMLNode root = doc.getRootElement();

	   	Dom.XMLNode bodyNode = root.getChildElement('channel', null);

	   	//Dom.XMLNode bodyNode = bodyNode.getChildElement('');
		List<Map<String,String>> newsStories = new List<Map<String,String>>();
	   	Integer sizeOfList = 20;
	   	Integer i = 0;

	    for(DOM.XmlNode x : bodyNode.getChildren())
	    	if(x.getName() == 'item' &&
	    		i != sizeOfList)
	    		Map<String,String> story = new Map<String, String>();
	    		story.put('publisher', '');
	    		story.put('date', '');
	    		story.put('link', '');
	    		story.put('image', '');
	    		story.put('title', '');
	    		story.put('description', '');

	    		for(DOM.XmlNode itemChildren : x.getChildElements())

	    			if(itemChildren.getName() == 'link')
	    				story.put('link', itemChildren.getText());
	    			else if(itemChildren.getName() == 'title')
	    				story.put('title', itemChildren.getText());
	    			else if(itemChildren.getName() == 'pubDate')
	    				story.put('date', itemChildren.getText());
	    			else if(itemChildren.getName() == 'description')

	    				String stripTags = itemChildren.getText();
	    				List<String> description = stripTags.split('(<.*?>)');
	    				story.put('description', description[5]);
	    			else if(itemChildren.getName() == 'content')
	    				story.put('image', itemChildren.getAttributeValue(itemChildren.getAttributeKeyAt(0), itemChildren.getAttributeKeyNsAt(0)));
	    			else if(itemChildren.getName() == 'source')
	    				story.put('publisher', itemChildren.getText());


	    		i += 1;


	    return newsStories;


Here is my Test Class (Which is honestly embarrassing right now, because I have no clue what I am doing.)

private class getRSSFeedTest {

	Public static final Integer numOfAccounts = 1;
	Public static final Integer numOfContacts = 1;
	public static void setupEnvironment()
	@isTest static void testAccountNews() 
		String accId 	= [SELECT name from Account limit 1].id;
		String link		= '';

		 String accName = getRSSFeed.getRecordName(accId);
	 	Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new mockCallout());
	  	//getRSSFeed r = new, 'Airbnb');


	public static void createAccountsAndContacts(Integer numberOfAccounts, Integer numberOfContactsPerAccount)
	   Database.DMLOptions dml = new Database.DMLOptions();
	   dml.DuplicateRuleHeader.allowSave = true;

	   List<Account> accountsToInsert = new List<Account>();

	   for(Integer i=0 ; i< numberOfAccounts; i++)

	     Account newAccount = new Account(
	           Name = 'Airbnb ' +  String.valueOf(i),
	           Industry = 'Accounting',
	           of_Locations__c = 5 + i


	   Database.insert(accountsToInsert, dml);

	   List<Contact> contactsToInsert = new List<Contact>();
	   for(Account acc: accountsToInsert)

	     for(Integer i = 0; i < numberOfContactsPerAccount; i++)
	       Contact newContact = new Contact(
	         lastName     = 'Test' + String.valueOf(i),
	         accountId   = acc.ID ,
	         title       = 'Test' ,
	         email       = String.valueOf(i)+'',
	         Outreach_Status__c = 'Client'

	   Database.insert(contactsToInsert, dml);


I know this test class is really bad. I am researching a lot on how to achieve 100% code coverage. If you have any tips, please send them over. I appreciate all the help I can get!

Thanks in advance.