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sally yamaksally yamak 

Lightning Web Component Datatable

Hello everyone,how can i remove the cancel and save button that appear on inline edit in lightning web component datatable.
Deepali KulshresthaDeepali Kulshrestha
Hi sally,
Clearing the draftValues attribute on the lightning:datatable component clears the edited cells and hides the Save and Cancel buttons at the bottom of the table.


cmp.find("table-component-id").set("v.draftValues", null);

You can check this link,it will help you:

I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.

 Thanks and Regards,
 Deepali Kulshrestha
You need to disable the inline edit then only you can remove the buttons or after save clear this.  this.draftValues = [];

You can find ready to use LWC datatable component here:
Dhanik L SahniDhanik L Sahni
You can use suppress-bottom-bar property on datatable component.  suppress-bottom-bar={isSuppressbottom} isSuppressbottom will be declared and changed based on event (onSubmit).