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Harry Training DepartmentHarry Training Department 

workflow to lightning flow

Hi Team,

I want to convert the existing workflow rules into a single lightning flow.

Is it possible to trigger a flow when a record is created?

Any suggestions much appreciated.
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Yes will be able to convert your workflows to flow ( Make sure you are creating auto launch flow ) and invoke the auto-launch flow using process builder 
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I have a necessity to filter out record id type name for the lightning flow process. I am not able to find the field in the filtering criteria. Any suggestions much appreciated.
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
You can able to filter record type in process builder entry critical it self .. 

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Thats correct. But i want like to know how to do it in the Lighning Flow Builder, thanks!
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
If you want to do in flow use   Fast Lookup in Cloud Flow Designer looks up the values and pass the record type Id to filter data
Harry Training DepartmentHarry Training Department
sorry. Simple question, how to get the record id and its lookup fiels in flow builder spring 19'?