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Ron Mccrerey 20
LWC Wire Service:
Is the wire service in LWC Synchronous or Asynchronous? Is there a way to capture data from a wire inquiry and use it in a second wire service. Can you call a wire service or is it only called when the component is loaded? Can LWC be used in a 3rd party App with Angular or React?
Wire Service is reactive. So, it works asynchronously. But the page renders based on the values retrieved.
You cannot chain Wire Service methods. Use dynamic binding instead.
LWC is only for Salesforce applications.
Example -
All Answers
Wire Service is reactive. So, it works asynchronously. But the page renders based on the values retrieved.
You cannot chain Wire Service methods. Use dynamic binding instead.
LWC is only for Salesforce applications.
Example -
Here is how I applied it to getting RecordIds for Product2:
import PRODUCT_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Product2';
import { getObjectInfo } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
@track objectInfo;
@wire(getObjectInfo, { objectApiName: PRODUCT_OBJECT })
Then to refer to it later:
createProduct () {
console.log( this.$ );