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show product object fields as dependent drop-down on a contact object?

Hi Team,

I have a requirement for contact object, for which I need to add the details from product object. There are 4 levels of product as shown below,
Batch Type --> Course type   --> Class Type     --> Class
A           -->  B            --> C              --> D
A           -->  B            --> C              --> E
A           -->  B            --> C              --> F
A           -->  B            --> C              --> G
A           -->  B            --> C              --> H
A           -->  B            --> C              --> I
A           -->  B            --> C              --> J
K           -->  L            --> M              --> N
K           -->  L            --> M              --> O
K           -->  L            --> M              --> P
K           -->  L            --> M              --> Q
K           -->  L            --> M              --> R
K           -->  L            --> M              --> S
K           -->  L            --> M              --> T
How can I ensure that the product detail fields Batch Type, Course type, Class Type and Class are shown as drop down in the contact object? Also is it possible to achieve the requirement using out of the box features?
Meghna Vijay 7Meghna Vijay 7

By using visualforce page and apex:detail tag in it. No it cannot be acheived using out of the box features.

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Is there a sample code which I could use to test and see the results? I’m new.