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Trailhead Transaction Security Module Apex Test Class Error
I'm doing the Transaction Security Module on Trailhead. and at the final stage "Explore Custom Transaction Security Policies" the test class below is provided. I get the following error when I attempt to sace it.
Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition at line 18 column 5
Line 18 has this code:
MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition dataLoaderLeadExportCondition = new MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition();
Are you able to assist me with correcting the error?
Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition at line 18 column 5
Line 18 has this code:
MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition dataLoaderLeadExportCondition = new MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition();
Are you able to assist me with correcting the error?
/** * Test for default MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition provided by Salesforce * */ @isTest public class MyDataLoaderLeadExportConditionTest { /* * Test to check if policy gets triggered when user exports 750 Leads */ public static testMethod void testLeadExportTriggered() { Map<String, String> eventMap = getEventMap(String.valueOf(750)); Organization org = getOrganization(); User user = createUser(); TxnSecurity.Event e = createTransactionSecurityEvent(org, user, eventMap) ; /* We are unit testing a PolicyCondition that triggers when an event is generated due to high NumberOfRecords */ MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition dataLoaderLeadExportCondition = new MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition(); /* Assert that the condition is triggered */ System.assertEquals(true, dataLoaderLeadExportCondition.evaluate(e)); } /* * Test to check if policy doesn't get triggered when user exports 200 Leads */ public static testMethod void testLeadExportNotTriggered() { Map<String, String> eventMap = getEventMap(String.valueOf(200)); Organization org = getOrganization(); User user = createUser(); TxnSecurity.Event e = createTransactionSecurityEvent(org, user, eventMap) ; /* We are unit testing a PolicyCondition that does not trigger an event due to low NumberOfRecords */ MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition dataLoaderLeadExportCondition = new MyDataLoaderLeadExportCondition(); /* Assert that the condition is NOT triggered */ System.assertEquals(false, dataLoaderLeadExportCondition.evaluate(e)); } /* * Create an example user */ private static User createUser(){ Profile p = [select id from profile where name='System Administrator']; String ourSysAdminString = p.Id; User u = new User(alias = 'test', email='', emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='TestLastname', languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US', profileid = p.Id, country='United States', timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles', username=generateRandomUsername(7)); insert u; return u; } /** * Generates a random username of the form “[random]@[random].com”, where the * length of the random string is the given Integer argument. For example, with * an argument of 3, the following random username may be produced: * “”. */ private static String generateRandomUsername(Integer len) { final String chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; String randStr = ''; while (randStr.length() < len) { Integer idx = Math.mod(Math.abs(Crypto.getRandomInteger()), chars.length()); randStr += chars.substring(idx, idx+1); } return randStr + '@' + randStr + '.com'; } /* * Returns current organization */ private static Organization getOrganization(){ return [SELECT id, Name FROM Organization]; } /* * Adds NumberOfRecords and example ExecutionTime */ private static Map<String, String> getEventMap(String numberOfRecords){ Map<String, String> eventMap = new Map<String, String>(); eventMap.put('NumberOfRecords', numberOfRecords); eventMap.put('ExecutionTime', '30'); eventMap.put('EntityName', 'Lead'); return eventMap; } /* * Create a TxnSecurity.Event instance */ private static TxnSecurity.Event createTransactionSecurityEvent(Organization org, User user, Map<String, String> eventMap){ TxnSecurity.Event e = new TxnSecurity.Event( org.Id /* organizationId */, user.Id /* userId */, 'Lead' /* entityName */ , 'DataExport' /* action */, 'Lead' /* resourceType */, '000000000000000' /* entityId */, Datetime.newInstance(2016, 9, 22) /* timeStamp */, eventMap /* data - Map containing information about the event */ ); return e; } }
Now try saving the test class.
Here's my code:
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Now try saving the test class.
Here's my code: