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F Smoak
DML requires SObject or SObject list type: Set<String>
I have written a beow code where I have a text field on my object which populates duplicate values of territory name. I need to retrieve a set of this field value (in form of string as the field data type is text) but getting following error.- DML requires SObject or SObject list type: Set<String> in below bold line
Please help!
trigger CMS_Insert_MCCP on CMS_Rule_Line_Item__c (after Insert) {
List<Territory> territoryList = new List<Territory>();
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mccp = new List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c>();
Set<String> teamList = new Set<String>();
for(CMS_Rule_Line_Item__c crRecord:{
insert teamList;
Please help!
trigger CMS_Insert_MCCP on CMS_Rule_Line_Item__c (after Insert) {
List<Territory> territoryList = new List<Territory>();
List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c> mccp = new List<MC_Cycle_Plan_vod__c>();
Set<String> teamList = new Set<String>();
for(CMS_Rule_Line_Item__c crRecord:{
insert teamList;
Let me know if this helps
as: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void add(String) from the type List<CMS_Rule_Line_Item__c>
Let me know if that still gives you an error