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How to update a field with previous owner email value

I want to implement field update to a custom object name previous_owner_email__c . Which will fetch value of the previous account owner's email address.
When I am implement it into the workflow or process builder I am getting the error.

 Error: The PRIORVALUE function cannot reference the Owner.Email field.

Help needed urgently!

Thanks in Advance!

ANUTEJANUTEJ (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Nyshaa,

I think you can make use of a trigger wherein before inserting the updated record you can fetch the old owner's email id and assign the value to the field.

Let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future.  


Hi Anutej,

I want to use workflow rule to update the field.
PRIORVALUE([Account].OwnerId field) 

When updating a field using the above formula. While saving the record an error occurs.
The formula expression is invalid: Syntax error. Found 'Account.OwnerId'

I want to update the email of the previous account owner into the field.
