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Ajith Selvaraj 2
Reason to getting an error like "System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101"
I have more than 500 records in invoice which is in related list to one account and the name of the account is "Account1"(Invoice- Account: Lookup relationship). Now Im try to insert more than 10 records into Invoice for the same account using dataloader. In that time only Im getting an error like "System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101".
And my code is public class CommercientSF21InvoiceTriggerHandler1 {
public static void accountUpdate(List<Invoice__c> currentRecordId){
List<Account> accUpdate = new List<Account>();
List<Account> accountWithoutInvoice = new List<Account>();
Id accountId;
for(Invoice__c acc : currentRecordId ){
accountId = acc.Account__c;
List<Invoice__c> invoiceList = [select Id,CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceDate__c from Invoice__c where Account__c=: accountId];
for(Account acc : [select id,Current_Year_Revenue__c,Last_Order_Date__c,
Previous_Year_Revenue__c from Account where Id =:accountId]){
if(invoiceList.size() == 0){
acc.Current_Year_Revenue__c = NULL;
acc.Lifetime_Value_LTV__c = NULL;
acc.Previous_Year_Revenue__c = NULL;
map<id,account> accmap = new map<id,account>();
update accmap.values();
Set<Id> currentYearRecordIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> previousYearRecordIds = new Set<Id>();
for(integer i=0; i<invoiceList.size(); i++){
Datetime record = invoiceList[i].CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceDate__c;
if(record != NULL){
String yearoftherecord = String.valueOf(record.Year());
Integer curentYear = Date.Today().Year();
String currentYearInteger = String.valueOf(curentYear);
Integer previousyear = curentYear -1;
String previousyearInteger = String.valueOf(previousyear);
if(currentYearInteger == yearoftherecord ){
else if(previousyearInteger == yearoftherecord){
List<AggregateResult> currentYearAmountList = [SELECT SUM(CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceAmt_c__c )tot FROM Invoice__c WHERE Id= :currentYearRecordIds];
List<AggregateResult> previousYearAmountList = [SELECT SUM(CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceAmt_c__c )tot FROM Invoice__c WHERE Id= :previousYearRecordIds];
List<AggregateResult> totalAmountList = [SELECT SUM(CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceAmt_c__c )tot FROM Invoice__c WHERE Account__c =: accountId ];
Object sumAmountCurrentYear;
Object sumAmountPreviousYear;
Object sumAmountTotalYear;
for(AggregateResult acc : currentYearAmountList){
sumAmountCurrentYear = acc.get('tot');
for(AggregateResult acc : previousYearAmountList){
sumAmountPreviousYear = acc.get('tot');
for(AggregateResult acc : totalAmountList){
sumAmountTotalYear = acc.get('tot');
for(Account acc: [select id,Current_Year_Revenue__c,Last_Order_Date__c,
Previous_Year_Revenue__c from Account where Id =: accountId] ){
acc.Previous_Year_Revenue__c = Integer.valueOf(sumAmountPreviousYear);
acc.Current_Year_Revenue__c = Integer.valueOf(sumAmountCurrentYear);
acc.Lifetime_Value_LTV__c = Integer.valueOf(sumAmountTotalYear);
map<id,account> accMapToUpdate = new map<id,account>();
update accMapToUpdate.values();
And my code is public class CommercientSF21InvoiceTriggerHandler1 {
public static void accountUpdate(List<Invoice__c> currentRecordId){
List<Account> accUpdate = new List<Account>();
List<Account> accountWithoutInvoice = new List<Account>();
Id accountId;
for(Invoice__c acc : currentRecordId ){
accountId = acc.Account__c;
List<Invoice__c> invoiceList = [select Id,CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceDate__c from Invoice__c where Account__c=: accountId];
for(Account acc : [select id,Current_Year_Revenue__c,Last_Order_Date__c,
Previous_Year_Revenue__c from Account where Id =:accountId]){
if(invoiceList.size() == 0){
acc.Current_Year_Revenue__c = NULL;
acc.Lifetime_Value_LTV__c = NULL;
acc.Previous_Year_Revenue__c = NULL;
map<id,account> accmap = new map<id,account>();
update accmap.values();
Set<Id> currentYearRecordIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Id> previousYearRecordIds = new Set<Id>();
for(integer i=0; i<invoiceList.size(); i++){
Datetime record = invoiceList[i].CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceDate__c;
if(record != NULL){
String yearoftherecord = String.valueOf(record.Year());
Integer curentYear = Date.Today().Year();
String currentYearInteger = String.valueOf(curentYear);
Integer previousyear = curentYear -1;
String previousyearInteger = String.valueOf(previousyear);
if(currentYearInteger == yearoftherecord ){
else if(previousyearInteger == yearoftherecord){
List<AggregateResult> currentYearAmountList = [SELECT SUM(CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceAmt_c__c )tot FROM Invoice__c WHERE Id= :currentYearRecordIds];
List<AggregateResult> previousYearAmountList = [SELECT SUM(CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceAmt_c__c )tot FROM Invoice__c WHERE Id= :previousYearRecordIds];
List<AggregateResult> totalAmountList = [SELECT SUM(CommercientSF21_IVM_InvoiceAmt_c__c )tot FROM Invoice__c WHERE Account__c =: accountId ];
Object sumAmountCurrentYear;
Object sumAmountPreviousYear;
Object sumAmountTotalYear;
for(AggregateResult acc : currentYearAmountList){
sumAmountCurrentYear = acc.get('tot');
for(AggregateResult acc : previousYearAmountList){
sumAmountPreviousYear = acc.get('tot');
for(AggregateResult acc : totalAmountList){
sumAmountTotalYear = acc.get('tot');
for(Account acc: [select id,Current_Year_Revenue__c,Last_Order_Date__c,
Previous_Year_Revenue__c from Account where Id =: accountId] ){
acc.Previous_Year_Revenue__c = Integer.valueOf(sumAmountPreviousYear);
acc.Current_Year_Revenue__c = Integer.valueOf(sumAmountCurrentYear);
acc.Lifetime_Value_LTV__c = Integer.valueOf(sumAmountTotalYear);
map<id,account> accMapToUpdate = new map<id,account>();
update accMapToUpdate.values();
Brian Nolau 2
Governor limits – 100 queries in a single transaction duh
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